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On average, a person breathes in about 6-8 liters of oxygen per minute. This equates to approximately 360-480 liters of oxygen per hour.

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Q: How much oxygen does a person breath per hour?
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There is not much oxygen

Is nitrogen important for survival?

without nitrogen our bodys would over oxygenate (get to much oxygen). nitrogen is important for plants, after all they breath in nitrogen and breath out oxygen.

How much is 1hour and 23 mints?

23 mints in 1 hour = fresh minty breath

Which is more efficient lungs or gills?

Gills are more efficient at obtaining oxygen, but there is much more oxygen in air to breath through the lungs.

What happens when you take a breath?

You will trigger a panic attack. (I have them all the time). To prevent them, breath into a bag, the carbon is to limit the intake of oxygen. Too much oxygen can be a bad thing, strange but true. But I don't think it effects dogs, if it's repetative you might want to take him/her to the vet.

How much oxygen do bed bugs require?

enough to fill there tiny lungs for every breath Translation:not much if its just one

How much air can a swimmer hold?

that depends on who the person is. I can hold my breath for about 12-15 seconds. I saw a person on TV who could hold their breath for about 5 minutes.

When you hold your breath for ten seconds and then breath for a minute after that why does your breathing rate increase?

When you hold your breath, CO2 levels will increase in your body, which, simply put, makes your body oxygen-starved. This, then, will trigger a reaction that will attempt to get as much oxygen throughout the body as possible, and this is done by increasing the heart rate.

Is breathing a homeostatic process?

Yes beacause you must regulate how much oxygen and carbon min oxide you have in your body and when you breath in you increase the oxygen and when you breath out you decrease the carbon min oxide in your body keeping yourself homeostatic. Hope this helped.

How does Phytoplankton help us?

phytpplakton gives us oxygen for us to breath.

How much oxygen will be saved if all mankind hold their breath for a moment?

A human consumes an average of 0.0243 lbs/pounds a minute. Therefor if all mankind held there breath for a minute an AVERAGE of 170100000 lbs/pounds of oxygen would be spared.