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My guess is that it would not "fizz" at all.

The Fizz that one often sees when mixing calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, etc with an acid is the releasing carbon dioxide CO2 from the Carbonate ion CO32-.

Calcium Chloride is a salt. It will likely dissociate in the solution, but I doubt it will "fizz".

If you mix Hydrochloric Acid with Calcium Carbonate you get:

2HCl + CaCO3 --> CaCl2 + H2CO3 --> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

Where the Calcium Chloride is more likely kept in solution as Ca2+ + 2Cl-

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1mo ago

When Calcium Chloride comes into contact with Orange Juice, it can produce a noticeable fizz or bubbling reaction due to a chemical reaction between the calcium ions in the Calcium Chloride and the citric acid in the Orange juice. The amount of fizz produced can vary depending on the concentration of Calcium Chloride and Orange juice, as well as the specific conditions of the reaction. Safety precautions should be taken when experimenting with these substances.

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Q: How much fizz does Calcium Chloride produce when mixed with Orange juice?
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