There are approximately 9 tablespoons in 1 dry ounce of powdered laundry detergent.
To convert 5 ounces of liquid soap to 5 ounces of dry soap, you will need to first freeze the liquid soap to solidify it. Next, grate or chop the solid soap into small pieces until you have 5 ounces. You can then use the grated or chopped soap as you would dry soap for washing.
By the mathematical conversions, one hundred grams is the equivalent of just over three and one half ounces. This is based on dry measurements. Liquids will not be the same.
124.16 oz. One pound equals to 16 ounces and one ounce equals 0.06 of a pound. Also this relates only to solid (weight) ounces. There are two different kinds of ounces, ounces of weight/mass and ounces of volume (fluid). This can change when you are using the ounces to measure a non-liquid such as flour or sugar since the weight of dry items is not the same as their volume. An ounce of volume is called a "fluid ounce."
Some examples of dry ingredients include flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cocoa powder. These ingredients are typically used in baking recipes to provide structure, flavor, and texture to baked goods.
Can't say. -You MUST specify WHAT dry goods. -( 1 cup sand - 1 cup flour -BIG difference)
There are 16 ounces in a pound (solid)! There are 8 ounces in a cup (liquid)!
There are 16 dry ounces to the pound.
2 fluid ounces is 58 mls. But fluid ounces are not the same as ounces used for dry goods, so this conversion only works for liquids.
338 dry ounces = 21.13 pounds.
There are 8 ounces in a cup of dry vermouth.
There are approximately 8.8 dry ounces in 250 grams.
35.27 ounces.
16 ounces
There are 64 tablespoons in 32 dry ounces. This is because there are 2 tablespoons in 1 dry ounce.
It depends heavily on what you are measuring. Ounces is the measurement of weight and since dry goods have very different weights, there is no universal table. 2.5 oz of walnuts is going to be a lot less than 2.5 oz of rice since their densities are different.