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1.67mEq Potassium per hour

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1mo ago

The patient will receive 1.67 mEq of potassium chloride per hour if 40 mEq of potassium chloride is infused in 1000ml of sodium chloride and infused over 24 hours. This is calculated by dividing the total amount of potassium chloride by the total number of hours it will run.

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Q: How many mEq per hr will the patient receive if the patient has 40 mEq potassium chloride hanging in 1000ml of sodium chloride if it is to run over 24 hr?
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How many valence electrons are transferred from the nitrogen atom to potassium in the formation of the compound?

In the formation of the compound, potassium will transfer one electron to nitrogen to achieve a stable electron configuration. Nitrogen needs three additional electrons to reach a stable configuration, so it will receive one electron from potassium, and vice versa, making a total of 2 electrons transferred.

Does KClO2 form a basic solution in water?

I believe it should be a basic solution... When you have metals with a weak acid's anion, you receive basic solution in water.... HClO2, chlorous Acid, is a weak acid. The Potassium, K an alkali metal, is now where the H+ was, making it KClO2 and that acts as a base in water

What reaction do you receive when mix potassium magnesium manganese and water?

When potassium, magnesium, and manganese are mixed with water separately, they will undergo different chemical reactions. Potassium will react vigorously with water, magnesium will react slowly to produce magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas, while manganese will not react with water under normal conditions.

How many 3d electrons are in an atom of potassium?

Potassium (K) is atomic number 19. It has 19 electrons.1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 so it has ZERO 3d electrons. The 3d doesn't receive electrons until you reach scandium (atomic number 21).

When potassium and fluorine bind what one will be the positive ion and which one will be the negative ion?

Potassium will become the positive ion (cation) because it loses one electron to form a stable octet, while fluorine will become the negative ion (anion) because it gains one electron to achieve a stable octet. This results in potassium having a +1 charge and fluorine having a -1 charge.

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Potassium lose an electron.

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