0.001 grams is equal to 1000 micrograms.
One kilogram is equal to 1000 grams.
One pound is equal to approximately 453.59 grams.
550 grams of flour is equal to approximately 1.21 pounds.
0.67 pounds is equal to approximately 303 grams.
I cup = 8 fl oz or 240 ml
12 oz
About 355mL
A thousand times as many grams as there are kilograms.
190 milligrams is equal to 0.19 grams.
28.34 grams equal an ounce.
The abbreviation g stands for grams, therefore it is equal to 12345 grams.
5.25 kg is equal to 5250 grams.
1 kilogram is equal to 1000 grams.
700.19 grams is equal to 1.543 pounds.