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They need 7 more to complete the octet.

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All halogen family elements need to gain 1 electron to attain a noble gas configuration. This is because noble gases have a full outer shell of electrons, which is the most stable configuration in terms of electron arrangement.

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Q: How many electrons do all halogen family elements need to gain in order to attain a noble gas configuration?
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What makes the elements in the halogen group reactive?

The halogen group elements are reactive because they have seven valence electrons, making them one electron short of a full outer shell. They are highly reactive and tend to gain an electron through reactions with other elements to achieve a stable electron configuration.

How many electrons must be gained or lost for calcium to attain a noble-gas electron configuration?

Calcium's electron configuration is [Ar] 4s2. To attain a noble gas configuration, calcium must lose 2 electrons to have the same electron configuration as argon, 4s2 3d10.

What is the different ways in which atoms try to attain the electronic configuration of noble gasses with an example?

Atoms try to attain the electronic configuration of noble gases by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons to achieve a stable octet. For example, sodium (Na) will lose one electron to attain the stable electronic configuration of neon (Ne), while chlorine (Cl) will gain one electron to achieve the same configuration. Both processes aim to reach the stability of a noble gas configuration.

Does bromine tend to react by gaining electrons?

Yes, bromine tends to react by gaining electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. It is a halogen and has seven valence electrons, so it typically gains one electron to complete its octet and attain a stable electronic configuration.

Does elements of group 2 lend electrons?

Yes, elements of group 2 (alkaline earth metals) tend to lose 2 electrons to attain a stable electronic configuration, forming 2+ cations. This makes them more willing to donate electrons rather than accept them.

Related questions

Is the elecron configuration of an atom related to its tendency to give up or gain electrons during a chemical reaction?

Yes. If there are 1 to 3 valence electrons in an atom, then generally those elements will lose these electrons to attain noble gas configuration. If there are 5 to 7 valence electrons, then generally those elements will gain electrons to attain noble gas configuration.

What makes the elements in the halogen group reactive?

The halogen group elements are reactive because they have seven valence electrons, making them one electron short of a full outer shell. They are highly reactive and tend to gain an electron through reactions with other elements to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Why do elements need to attain a noble gas configuration?

Elements need to attain a noble gas configuration because it is a stable configuration with a full outer energy level of electrons. By gaining, losing, or sharing electrons to achieve this configuration, elements can increase their stability and decrease their reactivity. This configuration helps elements achieve a lower energy state, making them more stable.

How and why element combine?

elements combine to attain more stability, generally by attaining the electronic configuration of the nearest noble gases. they do so by donating electrons, accepting electrons or by sharing electrons

How are elements form ions that have a stable atomic structure like that are found in a noble gases?

There are three different ways for this. Elements can either gain electrons or lose electrons or share electrons and attain a stable noble gas electronic configuration.

Why do elements participate in bonding?

Elements participate in bonding in order to achieve a more stable electron configuration. By sharing or transferring electrons, elements can attain a full outer electron shell, which is the most stable configuration. Bonding allows elements to decrease their potential energy and become more chemically stable.

How many electrons must be gained or lost for calcium to attain a noble-gas electron configuration?

Calcium's electron configuration is [Ar] 4s2. To attain a noble gas configuration, calcium must lose 2 electrons to have the same electron configuration as argon, 4s2 3d10.

What is the different ways in which atoms try to attain the electronic configuration of noble gasses with an example?

Atoms try to attain the electronic configuration of noble gases by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons to achieve a stable octet. For example, sodium (Na) will lose one electron to attain the stable electronic configuration of neon (Ne), while chlorine (Cl) will gain one electron to achieve the same configuration. Both processes aim to reach the stability of a noble gas configuration.

Does bromine tend to react by gaining electrons?

Yes, bromine tends to react by gaining electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. It is a halogen and has seven valence electrons, so it typically gains one electron to complete its octet and attain a stable electronic configuration.

How many electrons must a halogen gain to reach stability?

A halogen needs to gain one electron to reach stability by achieving a full valence shell of electrons, typically consisting of 8 electrons. This process allows the halogen to attain a stable electron configuration similar to that of a noble gas.

Does elements of group 2 lend electrons?

Yes, elements of group 2 (alkaline earth metals) tend to lose 2 electrons to attain a stable electronic configuration, forming 2+ cations. This makes them more willing to donate electrons rather than accept them.

How do you get a noble gas configuration?

Atoms lose or gain or share electrons and tend to attain noble gas configuration