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One electron balances the charge on one proton. Their charges are equal and opposite.

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3mo ago

1 electron can balance with 1 proton to form a stable hydrogen atom.

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8y ago

If you have one electron for every proton, you have an electrically neutral combination.

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Q: How many electrons can balance with the 1 proton?
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How many electrons should be placed on one side of the seesaw to balance it if the other side has 1 proton?


How many electrons should be placed on one side of a seesaw to balance it if the other side has proton on it?

A single electron placed on the opposite side of a seesaw from a proton would balance it. This is because the charge of a proton (+1) is equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign, to the charge of an electron (-1).

How many electrons does it take to equal the mass of 1 proton?

It would take about 1836 electrons to equal the mass of 1 proton. This is because the mass of an electron is much smaller than that of a proton.

What is the proton neutrons and electrons of hydrogen?

1 proton and 1 neutron

How many electron does it take to balance the mass of just 1 proton?

About 1837.This is why you can safely ignore the mass of electrons for any known element in rough calculations; the total mass of the electrons will be well under 0.1 amu.

How many protons and electrons dose H plus have?

H+ has 1 proton and 0 electrons.Normal hydrogen has 1 proton and 1 electron. The number of protons always remains the same. The negative electron and the positive proton balance out the charge so that normal elemental hydrogen is neutral.H+ is the oxidized form of hydrogen. Its electron was taken away, so now it's left with 1 proton and 0 electrons, making its charge positive.H- is the reduced form of hydrogen. It has gained an electron, so now it has 1 positive proton and 2 negative electrons, making the charge equal to negative 1.

How many electrons does hyrogen have?

Hydrogen's atomic number is 1. Thus it has one proton per atom. To balance it out electrically then, hydrogen must also have one electron per atom.

How many electrons neutrons protons are in hydrogen?

1 proton,1electron and no neutron

Explain why a neutral atom cannot have one proton one neutron and two electrons?

Because the number of protons in an atom determines its element, an atom with one proton is always hydrogen. Additionally, the number of electrons in a neutral atom must be equal to the number of protons to balance the charge. Therefore, an atom with one proton would only be stable with one electron, not two.

How many protons neutrons and electrons in H1?

There are 1 proton, 0 neutron and 1 electron in H1.

Why are protons related to electrons with a negative charge?

In a neutral atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons. Since each proton has a charge of +1, and electrons have a charge of -1, the positive and negative charges balance each other, and the atom will be neutral.

How many protons neutrons and electrons are in hydrogen?

Hydrogen - 1 proton, 1 electron Deuterium - 1 proton, 1 neutron 1 electron Tritium - 1 proton, 2 neutrons, 1 electron