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1/(6.02214 x 1023) = 1.66054*10-24 molesC-atoms= 1 C-atom

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One mole of carbon atoms has a mass of approximately 12 grams. This value is based on the Atomic Mass of carbon, which is around 12 atomic mass units.

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12.01 grams. The mass number (found on the Periodic Table) is the weight in grams of one mole of that element.

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Q: How much does one mole of carbon atom weight?
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What is the molecular weight for Nitrogen?

The molecular weight of nitrogen (N2) is approximately 28.02 g/mol.

Is carbon dioxide the same as carbon monoxide?

No, carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas composed of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms, while carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas composed of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom. Carbon dioxide is a natural part of the atmosphere and is not as harmful to humans in low concentrations, while carbon monoxide can be deadly in high concentrations as it interferes with the body's ability to transport oxygen.

How many times 1 mole of oxygen atom heavier than 1 mole of hydrgen atom?

A diamond is actually alot of carbon atoms interlinked with eachother. So a big diamond is actually only 1 molecule. Oxygen in its natural form is O2, 2 oxygen atoms linked together. So 1 mole of diamond could actually weigh as much as the earth, if the average weight of each diamond is 10 grams, while a mole of oxygen only weighs 32 grams.

Mole of hydrogen vs mole of uranium?

A mole of hydrogen contains Avogadro's number of hydrogen atoms, while a mole of uranium contains Avogadro's number of uranium atoms. Hydrogen is a light element with a low atomic weight, while uranium is a heavy element with a high atomic weight. This means that a mole of hydrogen weighs much less than a mole of uranium.

What is the differences between a carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless gas that is naturally present in the Earth's atmosphere and is produced by human activities such as burning fossil fuels. It is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that is toxic and can be produced by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels or wood. It can be harmful to human health when inhaled in high concentrations.

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Is sodiums weight about 3 grams?

The atomic weight of sodium is about 23 grams per mole, so 3 grams is much less than the weight of a mole of sodium atoms. A typical sample of sodium would weigh much more than 3 grams.

How much does CO2 weigh in grams?

The molecular weight of carbon dioxide (CO2) is about 44 grams per mole. This means that one mole of CO2 weighs 44 grams.

What is the mass in grams of 4350000 atoms of carbon?

To find the mass of 4350000 atoms of carbon, first calculate the molar mass of carbon (12.01 g/mol). Then, divide the molar mass by Avogadro's number to find the mass of one carbon atom. Finally, multiply the mass of one carbon atom by 4350000 to find the total mass of 4350000 carbon atoms.

How much carbon dioxide fits in a lorry?

Assuming you mean gaseous CO2. You can roughly approximate by PV=nRT, where P and T are ambient pressure and temperature and V is the volume of the Lorry. Solve for # of moles, n. (n=PV/(RT)) For weight of CO2, each mole = atomic weight of Carbon plus 2x atomic weight of Oxygen. (44.01 grams / mole)

How do you find equivalent mass in 9 moles?

A mole is a unit of measurement that contains a specific number (approximately 6.02 x 1023) of any given atom or molecule. Since different atoms and molecules have different weights, a mole of one substance does not weigh the same as a mole of another substance. To find out how much one mole (or 9 moles) of something weights, you have to have its chemical formula, and then look up the atomic weight of each atom in that formula, and calculate the molecular weight of the molecule you are dealing with (if it is just an atom, rather than a molecule, the process is that much simpler). Then you can determine the mass of 9 moles of that substance.

Is an atom bigger than a mole?

No, an atom is much smaller than a mole. An atom is the basic unit of matter, consisting of a nucleus surrounded by electrons. A mole is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to represent a large number of atoms or molecules (approximately 6.022 x 10^23 particles).

What is the percentage mass of oxygen in carbon dioxide?

The proportion by number of atoms in carbon dioxide is 1:2. The atomic weight of carbon is 12.011 and the atomic weight of oxygen is 15.9994. Therefore, the proportion by mass of carbon to oxygen in carbon dioxide is 12.011/(2 X 15.9994) = 0.37536 or 37.536 %, to the justified number of significant digits.

How many atoms in the element carbon?

Carbon IS an atom. I presume you mean how many electrons there are. There are 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons in every un-bonded Carbon atom.

How much does sulfur weight?

The atomic weight of sulfur is around 32.06 grams per mole.

How much carbon dioxide does hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate make?

To make 1 mole carbon dioxide it takes 2 moles of HCl and one mole of Ca-carbonate.

How much does a mole of an ideal gas weigh?

The weight of a mole of an ideal gas depends on the specific gas being considered. The weight is given by the molar mass of the gas, which is typically expressed in grams per mole.

What is larger a carbon atom or nucleus?

The nucleus of a carbon atom is much smaller than the entire carbon atom itself. The nucleus contains protons and neutrons that account for the majority of the atom's mass, while electrons orbit around the nucleus in a relatively large atomic cloud.