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Water is mainly used to keep fibers and other ingredients in suspension. Before the sheet is formed, pulp contain about 0.5% solid and 99.5% water.

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4mo ago

Water is used in paper production primarily for washing raw materials like wood chips and pulp as well as for processing and cleaning the paper during manufacturing. It is also used for diluting chemicals and controlling the temperature in various stages of the paper-making process. However, excessive water use in paper production can lead to environmental concerns such as water pollution and depletion.

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It is difficult to provide an exact amount of water needed to make a 200-page notebook, as water is used in various stages of the production process including pulp creation, papermaking, and printing. However, paper production typically requires a significant amount of water, with estimates ranging from 10 to 100 liters per sheet of paper depending on the type of paper and production methods used.

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How much water is use to make one piece of paper?

About 10 liters of water are used to produce one piece of paper. The paper-making process involves significant water usage for tasks like pulping, bleaching, and rinsing. Efforts are being made in the industry to reduce water consumption through recycling and more efficient production methods.