water is h20, and when water is liquid, it is just one of the states of water. the reason water is not normally solid, is beacuase it has to be prety cold for it to freeze. It can be a liquid solid or a gas. the reason why its not all a gas is, s because the atmospheric pressure is squesing it and it is staying motly condensd into a liquid.
just like in side a cigaret lighter the butane is a liquid, there is som much ressure on it that it acts like a liquid, take away the pressure and it become a gas. you don't need to make water hot for it t boil, u just need to take away the pressure squishing it together. heating up water excites it enought that it turnes it into a gas.
but if u take water and put it into a place with litle or no pressure, it will begin to boil and will turn into a gas even with little or no heat. so just imagine, that when h20 has alot of pressure on it , all the molcules are squeshed together and puddled around as water, without that pressure they become a gas and float around freely. if earth was a little smaller with less atmospheric pressure, we would not have oceans we would have very wet humid air, but there would not be enought for there to be water.
co2 for carbonated water can be a liquid sold or gas. when in a soda bottle under presure its a liquid, when u remove the presure it then is allowed to exspsand, and becomes a gas. if the eath had alot more pressure u could drink co2 (water) but its not really water its just a liquid, but that wont happen on earth needs way to much pressure for it not to want to fizz into a gas.
water has 3 states. a liquid sold or gas. it is a liquid because the air pressure squeses it with enought pressure to keep most of it in a liquid state. remove the pressure it will boil off and become a gas even with no heat. just like in a cigaret lighter, the butane is a liqud when crammed under pressure in a container, when u let it out from being squeshed it turns into a gas
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I have heard and gathered in all my personal research that although scientists have been able to separate the elements of water, am I clearly understanding that when those elements (H20) are combined again, it becomes a vapor rather than liquid ... and therefore whatever it is that makes water liquid is a mystery?
Gas liquid
It's a liquid.
The liquid phase of water is called water.
The liquid state of water is called "water."
Sea water is a liquid. It consists of dissolved salts and other minerals in water.
Water vapor is different from liquid water because water vapor is a gas, and liquid water is a liquid.
Water can exist in three phases which are solid, liquid, and gas. So liquid water is water in the liquid phase.
Rain is a liquid because it is water.
Water Vapor is technically a gas and Liquid water is obviously a liquid.
Liquid water.
If you mean 'What is the liquid in water?' then the answer is WATER (H2O).
Water is water be it solid, liquid or vapor.
Water is a reactant in photosythesis that is a liquid.
Yes you can, water is a liquid.
Water can exist in three phases which are solid, liquid, and gas. So liquid water is water in the liquid phase.
A pure liquid is a liquid that is not contaminated with any other compound. If water is pure water, then it is a pure liquid. However, shampoo is not a pure liquid.
Gas liquid