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Tap water is not made, it is a natural product. Water is stored in a reservoir and is piped (and sometimes pumped) from the reservoir to the tap.

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3mo ago

Tap water is produced through a process called water treatment. This involves extracting water from a natural source such as a river or lake, then treating it to remove impurities like bacteria, chemicals, and pollutants. Finally, the treated water is filtered, disinfected, and distributed through a network of pipes to homes and businesses for consumption.

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What is the difference between ice cubes made of distilled water and ice cubes made of tap water?

Ice cubes made of distilled water are purer and may appear clearer because they do not contain impurities found in tap water. Tap water contains minerals and impurities that may affect the taste of the ice cubes.

Is tap water an element?

No, tap water is not an element. It is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen.

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Tap is better, because it has been made cleaner by machines etc

How can you tell ifa ice cube is made of fresh water or tap water?

Tap water is fresh water. The phrase "fresh water" refers to water with very little or no salt in it (as opposed to salt water, such as is found in oceans). Tap water contains little or no salt, and is therefore fresh water.

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because tap water has a certain chemical that makes it tap water so it does not vanish in the drains but regular perifided water does not have this chemical in it. JKJKJK! i really dont know i made that stuff up :P!

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you can tap tap

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No, it isn't faster, tap water freezes just at the same temperature as tap water

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What kind of bond is tap water?

Tap water is a compound made up of covalent bonds between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the water molecule. Additionally, there may be some ionic bonds present in tap water as well due to dissolved mineral ions.

Which water has more chemicals new water or tap water?

tap water

Which will freeze fastest tap water tap salt water and tap sugared water?

Plain Tap water would freeze fastest.Adding salt or sugar to tap water will cause a depression/decrease in freezing point. Hence it will be harder to freeze the tap salt or sugar water.

How is it possible that water from the tap in one location tastes different from water from the tap in another location?

It depends on what the water pipe is made of, the source of the water, whether a filter is used, what type of filter is used, and the type of treatment used.