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Oxygen is taken in by the lungs through the process of inhalation. When you breathe in, air containing oxygen enters the lungs through the trachea and bronchial tubes, eventually reaching the alveoli where oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream.

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Q: How is oxygen taken in by lungs?
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Which organ supplies a human's bloodstream with oxygen from the air, which can then be taken through the blood to the muscle cells of the arm?

The lungs supplies the bloodstream with oxygen. When we breathe in, out lungs fill with oxygen and that oxygen is taken to the heart to keep our body going.

Where does get its oxygen?

the oxygen in your blood comes from the air you breath in . It goes in through your mouth into the lungs and the oxygen gets taken out from the lungs into the cappilaries.

What does blood from the body does what?

The oxygen is taken from the alveoli in the lungs.

What percent of oxygen taken in does your lungs use?


Where is oxygen taken into the body?

Oxygen is taken into the body through the respiratory system when we breathe in air into our lungs. The respiratory system includes the nose, mouth, trachea, bronchi, and lungs, where the oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to all the cells in the body.

Why do fish die when taken out of the water?

Fish, like us, need oxygen to live. However they have gills to taken oxygen from water, whereas we have lungs to take oxygen from the air. Therefore, when fish get taken out of the water, as they don't have lungs they have no way to take in oxygen, so they die.

How is the oxygen taken in by the lungs of mammals different from the oxygen taken in by the gills of a fish?

Mammal take in oxygen in the air while fish take in oxygen in the water.

What gases pass from the blood to the lungs?

blood takes oxygen and gives carbon dioxide to the lungs

What is the most important gas taken into the lungs during breathing?


How is the oxygen taken in by the lungs of a mammal different from the oxygen taken in by the gills of the fish?

the gills of a fish take in oxygen in water while the human lung take in oxygen in the air. I think...

What is the function for the heart and lungs?

The lungs pull in oxygen which is then taken into the blood stream which is pumped round the body by the heart.

Blood Is oxygenated where in the body?

Blood is pumped into the lungs and the blood is oxygenated when oxygen is taken into the lungs