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They bother have holes that thing like the coffee for the coffee filter and wastes for the

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Om Hamza Almradny

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2y ago
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3mo ago

Both the kidney and coffee filter function to remove waste and toxins from a liquid. The kidney filters blood to remove waste and maintain balance in the body, while the coffee filter separates coffee grounds from the liquid coffee as it brews. Both organs utilize a filtering mechanism to achieve their purposes.

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8y ago

The glomeruli of the kidney is - like a coffee filter - a membrane with holes in it,

but the holes are smaller in the kidneys.

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Q: How is a kidney and coffee filter are alike?
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How are a kindney and coffee filter alike?

Both a kidney and a coffee filter act as filters - the kidney filters waste and excess fluids from the blood to create urine, while a coffee filter removes coffee grounds from the brewed coffee. Additionally, they both help maintain the purity of the substance being filtered by removing unwanted particles.

What is the difference between coffee filter and laboratory filter paper?

Coffee filters are designed for filtering coffee grounds from brewed coffee, while laboratory filter paper is specifically designed for laboratory filtration processes. Laboratory filter paper is typically made of higher quality materials and has specific pore sizes for different types of filtration, while coffee filters may not be as precise and are designed for a different purpose.

How do you separate coffee sand and water?

Weigh each sample and then make a solution of coffee, sand and water. First of all, we have to filter the solution with the help of filter paper so all the water will pass through the paper and as a filtrate we will have coffee and sand. Take the filtrate and let it dry. Secondly, once the filtrate is dry take a strong magnet and scan across, underneath the filter paper. This will separate all the sand on one side of the filter paper. Finally, record the mass of each component after the experiment.

Is filtering coffee a physical or chemical change?

Filtering coffee is a physical change. The process involves separating the coffee grounds from the liquid using a filter, which does not alter the chemical composition of the coffee itself.

Can you separate gravel and sand with a coffee filter?

No, a coffee filter is not efficient for separating gravel and sand due to their varying particle sizes. For effective separation, you can use a sieve to separate gravel and sand based on their size differences.

Related questions

How is a kidney and a coffee filter alike?

They bother have holes that thing like the coffee for the coffee filter and wastes for the

How are a kidney and coffee filter alike?

They bother have holes that thing like the coffee for the coffee filter and wastes for the

How a kidney and a coffee filter alike?

For all the retards out there (5 Graders) they both pour stuff

How are a kindney and coffee filter alike?

Both a kidney and a coffee filter act as filters - the kidney filters waste and excess fluids from the blood to create urine, while a coffee filter removes coffee grounds from the brewed coffee. Additionally, they both help maintain the purity of the substance being filtered by removing unwanted particles.

How are a kidney and a coffee filter?

They bother have holes that thing like the coffee for the coffee filter and wastes for the

How are your kidneys and a coffee filter alike?

They both filter the things....

How are kidneys coffee filters alike?

They both filter the things....

How are coffee filters and kidneys alike?

They both filter the things....

Why does your Urine smells like coffee?

Since coffee has a high concentration of caffine, the kidney's can only filter so much. The remainder sneaks by the filtration process and ends up in our urine, thus making it smell like coffee.

What does a coffee filter do?

It strains out the coffee grounds. Depending on the material and fineness of the filter, it may or may not also filter out the coffee oils.

Can coffee cause kidney pain?

Coffee itself is not likely to cause kidney pain. However, excessive caffeine consumption from coffee can lead to dehydration, which may indirectly contribute to kidney issues. If kidney pain persists or is severe, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation.

Why did Melitta bentz invent a coffee filter?

The Melitta coffee filter is an adaptation based on a particular type of coffee maker.