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Chloroform is a highly regulated substance due to its toxicity and potential for misuse. It is not readily available for purchase by the general public. In most countries, you would need a valid reason and proper authorization to obtain chloroform, such as for medical research or industrial purposes. It is important to follow all legal and safety guidelines when handling such hazardous substances.

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Q: How i get chloroform?
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What is the difference between chloroform and chloroform water?

Chloroform is a colorless liquid with a sweet odor used as a solvent, while chloroform water is a solution in which chloroform is mixed with water. Chloroform water is a mixture of chloroform and water, typically used in laboratory settings for certain chemical reactions.

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Sodium chloride plus chloroform?

Sodium chloride doesn't react with chloroform and is not soluble in chloroform.

What is the Composition of chloroform spirit?

Chloroform spirit, also known as chloroform water or chloroform solution, typically consists of chloroform mixed with water and ethanol. The exact composition may vary depending on the specific formulation.

What is the solubility of benzoic acid in chloroform?

The solubility of benzoic acid in chloroform is approximately 3.5 g/L at room temperature.

Is iodine soluble wih chloroform?

Yes, iodine is soluble in chloroform. Chloroform is a nonpolar solvent, and iodine is slightly soluble in nonpolar solvents like chloroform.

How did Casey Anthony purchase chloroform?

No evidence has been provided by the prosecution that she did purchase chloroform. They have shown that she researched chloroform on the computer and evidence that chloroform residue was present in her car. The information that she looked up on the computer was how to make chloroform.

Is sodium chloride soluble in chloroform?

insoluble in chloroform

What color is chloroform?

Chloroform is colorless.

Is chloroform ionic?

No, chloroform is not ionic. It is a covalent compound consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine atoms.

What is the number of moles of chloroform (CHCl3) in 215 g of chloroform.?

To find the number of moles of chloroform in 215 g, you need to divide the given mass by the molar mass of chloroform. The molar mass of chloroform (CHCl3) is approximately 119.38 g/mol. Therefore, 215 g of chloroform is equal to 1.80 moles.

Where do you find a chloroform cell?

Chloroform is not a cell. it is a organic compound.