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Scientists determine the composition of materials by using techniques such as spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and chemical analysis. These methods involve studying the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiation and separating compounds based on their mass and charge. By analyzing the results, scientists can identify the elements present in the material and their relative quantities.

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Q: How have scientists been able to determine the compostition?
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With radiocarbon dating scientists compare an object and acirc and 128 and 153s carbon-14 levels with .?

Scientists compare an object's carbon-14 levels with the known decay rate of carbon-14 to estimate the object's age using radiocarbon dating. By measuring the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in the object, scientists can determine how long it has been since the organism died.

How many atoms have scientists made in labs?

Scientists have created a variety of atoms in laboratories by combining different elements through nuclear reactions. These artificially created atoms can range from simple isotopes to heavier elements that are not typically found in nature. By manipulating atomic nuclei, scientists have been able to generate many new atoms for research purposes.

What experimental method has allowed scientists to estimate atomic and ionic radii?

X-ray crystallography is the experimental method used to determine atomic and ionic radii. By analyzing X-ray diffraction patterns from crystals, scientists can calculate the distances between atoms and derive their radii. This technique has been fundamental in understanding the structure of materials at the atomic level.

How do scientists use the rate at which radioactive elements decay in rocks?

Scientists use the rate at which radioactive elements decay in rocks to determine the age of the rocks. By measuring the ratio of parent and daughter isotopes in a rock sample, they can calculate how long it has been since the rock formed. This method is known as radiometric dating and is commonly used to determine the age of rocks and artifacts.

The carbon-14 isotope is important because it allows scientists to determine what about an organic sample?

Carbon-14 allows scientists to determine the age of an organic sample. By measuring the amount of carbon-14 remaining in a sample, scientists can calculate how long it has been since the organism died. This is particularly useful in dating artifacts, fossils, and archaeological samples.

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which layers of the earth have scientists been able to explore

How have scientist been able determine the composition of earths layers?

Scientists have been able to determine the composition of earth's layers using various ways. In most cases, samples have been taken and studied so as to determine the layers of the earth.

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I don't think scientists have been able to determine how dinosaurs smelled, though I'm sure a lot of them were stinky.

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Since glass was invented, the scientists were able to create the microscope. If this was never invented, the scientists would never have been able to discover cells.

How did the earlier scientists and their contributions directly affect the discoveries of later scientists?

Since glass was invented, the scientists were able to create the microscope. If this was never invented, the scientists would never have been able to discover cells.

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they just do it cause they are scientists

How have scientists been able to determine the composition of Earth's layers?

Severals methods are all combined to give the scientist info on the layers of the Earth. For example they study the influence of the earth on orbits of the moon and other planets (mass distribution of the earth, mass density). They study the way seismic waves go through the earth which gives knowledge of layers. They use wave to sound. They examine sample of earth.

How can you prove that this earth has been around for millions of years?

Scientists have been studying and because of the big bang they were able to determine how long earth has been around. Also, ever heard of dinosaurs? When they found fossils they were able to look at the imprint they made and yeah...Actually, most scientists agree that the Earth has been around for about 4.5 billion years. They know this because of the fossil and geological records, but primarily because they have been able to analyze radioactive decay in comparision with the expected half-life of the various radioactive isotopes that exist today.

Scientists have been able to determine the composition of Earth's layers by doing what?

Scientists have determined the composition of Earth's layers through a combination of techniques such as seismic data analysis, laboratory experiments on rock samples, and studying the chemical and physical properties of minerals. By examining how seismic waves travel through the Earth and how they are reflected and refracted at different boundaries, scientists have been able to gain insights into the composition of each layer.

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I am not able to determine how long someone has been silent.

How have scientists determined What is inside the Earth?

Scientists have used seismic waves from earthquakes to study the Earth's interior. By analyzing how these waves travel through the Earth, scientists have been able to determine the density and composition of different layers like the crust, mantle, and core. Additionally, studies of meteorites and laboratory experiments have provided further insights into the Earth's composition.