it does not. Blue is a primary color. It cannot be created, it just exists.
Yellow and green do not make blue. They make yellow-green. However blue and yellow do make green.
Blue and yellow mixed together make green.
No, blue and green do not mix to make yellow. Blue and yellow make green when mixed together.
Blue and yellow mixed together make green.
You mix blue and yellow to make green.
Yellow and blue make green when mixed together.
I don't know what they all make but Blue & Yellow make Green.
Yellow and green make Yellow-Green
Yellow and blue make green.
Blue and Yellow does make green
To make the color Green, mix together Blue and Yellow.
Blue and yellow mixed together make green.
No, blue and green do not mix to make yellow. Blue and yellow make green when mixed together.
Blue and Yellow make Green.
Blue and yellow mixed together make green.
No. Blue and green make blue-green, which is a tertiary color.
You mix blue and yellow to make green.
Yellow and blue make green when mixed together.