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It's a big circle: Rising air currents take the water, as vapor, up into the atmosphere, along with water from "evapotranspiration," which is water transpired or "breathed out" from plants and evaporated from the soil. The cooler temperatures in the atmosphere cause it to condense into clouds, which float around until the fall from the sky as precipitation. Some precipitation falls as snow and can accumulate as ice caps and glaciers, where it can stay, as frozen water, for thousands of years. In warmer climates, snow melts during the warmer spring and summer months, and that water flows into streams and rivers, which eventually return it to the ocean, or into the groundwater, which eventually reach underground aquifers. Over time, the water continues flowing, some to reenter the ocean, where the water cycle renews itself. There are four basic steps that tie this all together

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Faster evaporation rates tend to result in smaller crystals because the dissolved particles don't have as much time to arrange themselves into larger crystal structures. Slower evaporation rates allow for more growth time, leading to larger crystals with more developed structures.

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Q: How does the rate of evaporation of the crystal growing medium affect the final size of the crystal?
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What is the difference between liquid and solid medium?

Liquid medium is a liquid nutrient solution used for growing microorganisms or cells in suspension, while solid medium is a medium that has been solidified with agar or another solidifying agent to allow for the growth of microorganisms as distinct colonies. Solid medium provides a surface for colonies to form, while liquid medium allows for homogeneous growth of microorganisms throughout the solution.

How a change in medium water to gelatin would affect the rate of diffusion?

A change in medium water to Gelatin would affect the rate of diffusion dramatically. The change from water to gelatin would slow down the rate of diffusion.

What is a medium sized lump in a substance?

A medium sized lump in a substance is a localized area where a portion of the substance has clumped or accumulated together. It may indicate a change in density, composition, or temperature within the substance, and can be caused by factors such as settling, aggregation, or chemical reactions. The presence of a medium sized lump can sometimes affect the homogeneity or properties of the substance.

What kind of soap can you use as a dental separating medium?

You should not use soap as a dental separating medium. Dental separating mediums are specially formulated to prevent materials from bonding together during the dental procedure. Using soap may not provide the necessary barrier, can cause contamination, and may affect the quality of the dental work.

What is the nam of petri dish gel?

The substance used in petri dishes is called agar agar. It is a gelatinous substance derived from seaweed and is used as a medium for growing microorganisms in laboratory settings.

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Is there a psychic medium called crystal?

Probably. Crystal is a fairly popular name.

What is growing medium?

A growing medium is a substance in which plants are grown, providing support and nutrients for their roots. Common types include soil, coco coir, perlite, and vermiculite. The choice of growing medium depends on the type of plants being grown and the specific growing conditions required.

How would removing the crystal violet from MacConkey agar alter the sensitivity and specificity of the medium?

Removing crystal violet from MacConkey agar would decrease its specificity by allowing more non-selective bacteria to grow on the medium, potentially leading to false-positive results. The sensitivity may also decrease as the absence of crystal violet could affect the medium's ability to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, thereby reducing its ability to detect specific microbial species.

Does a transparent crystal have a polarizing angle?

No, a transparent crystal does not have a polarizing angle. The concept of a polarizing angle applies to polarized light passing through a medium, not the medium itself. The polarizing angle is the angle at which light is completely plane-polarized when passing through a medium.

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a medium

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What are factors that affect its propagation along a medium?

Factors that affect the propagation of a wave along a medium include the density and elasticity of the medium, the wavelength of the wave, and the tension in the medium. Additionally, the temperature and pressure of the medium can also influence wave propagation.

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What is the process of Hydroponics?

Growing plants in aquatic medium is called hydroponics

What are three propertys of a medium affect the speed of sound?

There are many properties. Temperature medium are examples.

Why are the colonies growing on the top of the agar larger than the colonies growing in the agar?

Well, first of all, the colonies growing on the surface of the agar medium are aerobic . . . that is, they need air - Oxygen - to survive. The anaerobic colonies growing within the agar medium may simply be slower growing or maturing, for some reason. Perhaps that is simply due to their being anaerobic.