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Sulfur dioxide diffuses at one-quarter the rate of helium

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The rate of effusion of sulfur dioxide is slower compared to that of helium. This is because sulfur dioxide is a heavier molecule than helium, so it moves through a small opening at a slower pace. Helium, being a lighter gas, effuses faster due to its lower molecular weight.

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Q: How does the rate of effusion of sulfur dioxide compare to that of helium?
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How does the rate of effusion of sulfur dioxdeSO2 compare to that of heluim (He)?

The rate of effusion of helium (He) is typically faster than that of sulfur dioxide (SO2) because helium has a lower molar mass, which makes its gas particles move faster on average. This means that helium molecules can escape through a small opening more rapidly than sulfur dioxide molecules.

How does the rate of effusion of sulfur dioxide SO2 compare to that of helium (He) (Note the molar masses are SO2 64 gmol He 4.0 gmol.)?

The rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass. Helium has a molar mass of 4.0 g/mol, while sulfur dioxide has a molar mass of 64 g/mol. Therefore, the rate of effusion of SO2 will be √(4.0/64) = 1/4 times that of helium. In other words, sulfur dioxide will effuse more slowly than helium.

How do the rates of diffusion of helium and sulfur dioxide compare Molar masses Helium is 4 g mol and sulfur dioxide is 64 g mol?

Helium will diffuse faster than sulfur dioxide. This is because helium is lighter than sulfur dioxide, so it will move faster through a given medium due to its lower molar mass and therefore higher average speed of molecules.

If it takes sulfur dioxide gas SO2 20 seconds to diffuse from a container how long will it take helium gas He to diffuse from the same container?

It will take helium gas (He) less time to diffuse than sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) due to its lower molecular weight. Diffusion rate is inversely proportional to the square root of molecular weight, so helium will diffuse faster than sulfur dioxide. Therefore, helium will likely diffuse from the container in less than 20 seconds.

Any names of 10 gases?

Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Carbon dioxide Helium Argon Methane Chlorine Neon Sulfur dioxide

Related questions

How does the rate of effusion of sulfur dioxdeSO2 compare to that of heluim (He)?

The rate of effusion of helium (He) is typically faster than that of sulfur dioxide (SO2) because helium has a lower molar mass, which makes its gas particles move faster on average. This means that helium molecules can escape through a small opening more rapidly than sulfur dioxide molecules.

How does the rate of effusion of sulfur dioxide SO2 compare to that of helium (He) (Note the molar masses are SO2 64 gmol He 4.0 gmol.)?

The rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass. Helium has a molar mass of 4.0 g/mol, while sulfur dioxide has a molar mass of 64 g/mol. Therefore, the rate of effusion of SO2 will be √(4.0/64) = 1/4 times that of helium. In other words, sulfur dioxide will effuse more slowly than helium.

How do the rates of diffusion of helium and sulfur dioxide compare Molar masses Helium is 4 g mol and sulfur dioxide is 64 g mol?

Helium will diffuse faster than sulfur dioxide. This is because helium is lighter than sulfur dioxide, so it will move faster through a given medium due to its lower molar mass and therefore higher average speed of molecules.

How do the rates of diffusion of oxygen and sulfur dioxide compare Molar masses Oxygen is 32 g mol and sulfur dioxide is 64 g mol?

Oxygen diffuses 1.4 times as fast as sulfur dioxide.

Can you name any gases?

Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, Fart.

Is helium or carbon dioxide or nitrogen or sulfur in the gaseous state should be called a vapor?

all are the gaseous.

If it takes sulfur dioxide gas SO2 20 seconds to diffuse from a container how long will it take helium gas He to diffuse from the same container?

It will take helium gas (He) less time to diffuse than sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) due to its lower molecular weight. Diffusion rate is inversely proportional to the square root of molecular weight, so helium will diffuse faster than sulfur dioxide. Therefore, helium will likely diffuse from the container in less than 20 seconds.

What are the forms of gases?

Oxygen, Helium, Natural Gas, Carbon Dioxide, Anaesthetics Gas, Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, Neon, water vapor.

Any names of 10 gases?

Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Carbon dioxide Helium Argon Methane Chlorine Neon Sulfur dioxide

How do the rates of diffusion of oxygen and sulfur dioxide compare Molar masses Oxygen is 32 gmol and sulfur dioxide is 64 gmol?

The rate of diffusion is inversely proportional to the square root of the molar mass of the gas. Since sulfur dioxide has a molar mass twice that of oxygen, it will diffuse at a slower rate compared to oxygen.

What is the chemical compound name for SO2?

The chemical compound name for SO2 is sulfur dioxide.

Name for SO2?

Sulfur dioxide