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Oxygen in the lungs attaches to red blood cells and is carried through the bloodstream to all parts of the body. The oxygen is released from the red blood cells and picked up by tissues that need it for energy production. Carbon dioxide, a waste product, is picked up by the blood and transported back to the lungs to be exhaled.

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Q: How does the oxygen in the lungs get transferred to the other parts of your body?
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What takes oxygen and puts in it your bloodstream?

The lungs take in oxygen from the air you breathe. Inside the lungs, oxygen is transferred to red blood cells in the bloodstream through a process called gas exchange in the alveoli. The red blood cells then carry the oxygen to various parts of the body.

What supplies oxygen to the other parts of the body?

the avioli in your lungs carry oxygen to blood cells. Blood then carries the oxygen to other parts of the body viz veins and arteries.

Why was blood flowing to the lungs full of carbon dioxide and will flow to other parts of the body full of oxygen?

The lungs supply the blood with oxygen for other parts of the body so they can operate and produce ATP. Your lungs breath out the co2, which is one of the products of cell respiration.

The act of breathing air into the lungs-?

The act of breathing air into the lungs is simply called breathing. From the lungs, the air is transferred into the blood stream and moved to the other parts of the body.

Can any other organ take over the lungs job when you have asthma?

No. The lungs are the only body parts that an do large-scale oxygen uptake from the air.

What carries oxygen into your body through your mouth and nose?

When you breathe in through your mouth or nose, oxygen in the air travels down your windpipe (trachea) and enters your lungs. In your lungs, oxygen is transferred into the bloodstream via tiny blood vessels called capillaries, where it is then carried to all parts of your body to support cellular functions.

The body takes oxygen from which body parts?


What is the importance of blood in multicellular organism?

Blood carries oxygen from the lungs/gills to all other parts of the body,

What will happen if the circulatory system does not circulate to the lungs or the small intestines?

Then your lungs can't provide oxygen or nutrients to the blood that the heart pumps out to other parts of the body.

What are the parts of the lungs where oxygen enters the blood?

They are called alveoli

What organ allows oxygen that passes from them into capilleries?

The lungs. Oxygen enters our lungs as part of the air that we breathe. It goes to the blood vessels deep in our lungs and then on to all parts of our body.

Which organs is responsible for oxygenating blood?
