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Sublimation is the process of a solid to gas without being turned into a liquid. One must find a phase diagram of the substance. The triple point where all three phases can mannerly exist. So when one finds point below this, and a pressure and temperature where liquid doesn't exist the solid will become gas.

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1mo ago

Sublimation is the process in which a solid substance changes directly into a gas without passing through the liquid phase. This occurs when the substance's vapor pressure exceeds the atmospheric pressure at a given temperature. Sublimation is used in various scientific processes, such as freeze-drying and in the purification of substances.

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How do you use sublimation in a sentence for science?

Sublimation is the process by which a solid changes directly into a gas without going through the liquid state. In science, dry ice undergoes sublimation when exposed to room temperature, transitioning from a solid directly to a gas.

Give you an examples of sublimation in science?

An example of sublimation in science is dry ice, which is solid carbon dioxide that changes directly into carbon dioxide gas when heated. Another example is the process of freeze drying, where water is removed from a substance by sublimation under low pressure and temperature conditions.

What do you write on a magnet work diagram for sublimation?

The Point The Substance Freezes Or Melts

When solid changes to gas without passing through the liquid state what is it called?

Sublimation, the process in which something changes from one state to another and skips a stage. I.e. Steam turning into ice or Ice being heated so rapidly it turned to steam without ever being liquefied (turned to water)

What the opposite of deposition?

Not sure if it has one in the legal world. In science terms, the opposite of deposition is sublimation, when a solid turns directly into a gas.

What is the Mediterranean Sea sometimes called the Roman Lake?

They called it Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) because they controlled most of the territories surrounding it and the islands in it.Another term used by historians is to call it a "Roman Lake".

What is the process called when ice turns into water vapor?

I think the answer is sublimation

What is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas?

It is called sublimation.

What is the name of a solid turning into a gas?

Sublimation is the process in which a solid turns directly into a gas without passing through the liquid state.

Is sublimation a physical change?

Sublimation is a physical change.

Is sublimation an element or an atom?

Neither. Sublimation is a process.

Where can one find information on laser sublimation?

You can find information on laser sublimation by researching scientific journals, academic publications, and websites of research institutions. Additionally, you may find relevant information in materials science or engineering textbooks, as well as from companies specializing in laser technology.