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Thorium doesn't affect marine life.

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3mo ago

Thorium can accumulate in marine organisms, potentially causing harm through radiation exposure and disrupting biological processes. High levels of thorium in the environment can lead to negative impacts on marine life, including reduced reproductive success and genetic damage. It is important to monitor and control thorium concentrations to protect marine ecosystems.

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Q: How does presence of thorium effect marine life?
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What is thorium used for everyday life?

Thorium is not commonly used in everyday life. It is primarily used in nuclear reactors for its potential as a fuel source. Some rare earth elements containing thorium are used in specialized applications like lighting (mantles in lanterns) and camera lenses, but these are not mainstream uses.

How much thorium in grams is there in 2 half lives?

To calculate the amount of thorium remaining after 2 half-lives, you use the formula: amount = initial amount * (1/2)^n, where n is the number of half-lives. If we assume the initial amount is 1 gram, after 2 half-lives, there would be 0.25 grams of thorium remaining.

How long will it take a 2kg sample of Thorium-219 to decay to 15.6g?

Thorium-219 has a half-life of about 1.4 minutes. To calculate the time it takes for a 2kg sample to decay to 15.6g, you would need to use the radioactive decay formula. This would involve determining the number of half-lives it takes for the 2kg sample to decay to 15.6g.

How much percent of oxygen does the ocean have?

The ocean typically contains about 21% oxygen dissolved in the water. This dissolved oxygen is essential for marine life to survive and thrive. Oceanic oxygen levels can vary based on factors such as temperature, salinity, and the presence of organisms that consume oxygen.

How is thorium 230 radioactive?

Thorium-230 is radioactive because it is an unstable isotope, meaning it has an excess of nuclear energy that it needs to release to become stable. This process involves the emission of alpha particles, which are high-energy particles that can cause damage to surrounding tissues and materials.

Related questions

How does thorium affects marine life?

Thorium doesn't affect the marine life.

What effect salinity of the ocean?

It has effect on the marine life, especially in the anufacture of food.

How does garbage effect marine life?

It affects them because all of the garbage can get into them and make them die.People shouldn't do this because it is dangerous and some people don't care about marine life.

Common commpouds of thorium?

Some common compounds of thorium include thorium dioxide (ThO2), thorium nitrate (Th(NO3)4), and thorium fluoride (ThF4). These compounds are used in various industrial applications, such as in the nuclear industry and in the production of electronic devices.

How does the aquactic life gets affected due to the prsence of large amount of thorium?

Being radioactive thorium in large quantities is dangerous.

Is thorium reactive to magnets?

No, thorium is not reactive to magnets as it is not a ferromagnetic material. Thorium is a weakly paramagnetic material, meaning it only shows a very small magnetic response when exposed to a magnetic field.

Is thorium dioxide an ingredient in cigarettes?

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How do marine life and human life effect each other?

Sharks eat people, people pollut, or hunt, to kill animals. isn't that sad? :*(

What is the scientific name for marine life?

Marine life encompasses a wide array of organisms, so there is no single scientific name that covers all marine life. However, the study of marine life is known as marine biology.

Thorium-234 has a half life of about 24 days of a sample that originally contained 100 grams of thorium-234 now only contains 25 grams.what is the age of the sample?

25 grams of Thorium-234

What effect does the Great Garbage Patch have on the atmosphere?

It has little effect on the atmosphere. Most of its damage is to marine life and sea birds, which eat small pieces of plastic and die.

How long will it take 50 milligrams of thorium-232 to deacy to 25 milligrams?

Approximately 14 billion years, the half-life of Thorium 232