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4mo ago

A water aspirator works by using the flow of water to create a vacuum through the Venturi effect. As the water flows through a constricted nozzle, it speeds up, creating a low-pressure zone that creates suction, drawing air or other gases into the system to create a partial vacuum.

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Q: How does a water aspirator create partial vacuum?
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Why did the water rise in the beaker When the candle burned out?

The water rose in the beaker because as the candle burned, it consumed oxygen in the air inside the beaker. This created a partial vacuum, causing the water to be pushed up into the beaker due to the air pressure outside.

What gas besides air is in the flask when it is upside.down in the sink of cold water?

The gas trapped in the flask when it is upside-down in the sink of cold water is likely water vapor that has condensed from the surrounding air. As the air inside the flask cools, the water vapor condenses into liquid water, creating a partial vacuum that prevents water from entering the container.

What is the significant force that attracts water molecules polar molecules to each other?

The significant force that attracts water molecules to each other is hydrogen bonding. Water molecules are polar, with a partial positive charge on the hydrogen atoms and a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom. These opposite charges create electrostatic attractions that result in the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

What vapors does a deep vacuum pull out of the system?

A deep vacuum can pull out air, water vapor, volatile oils, and other gases from a system. This helps to create a controlled environment with lower pressure, allowing for more effective processes like degassing, drying, or distillation.

The water molecule has a dipole with the negative portion?

located near the oxygen atom and the positive portion located near the hydrogen atoms. This creates a partial positive charge on hydrogen and a partial negative charge on oxygen, making water a polar molecule.

Related questions

What is the function of a water aspirator?

A rubber aspirator sucks up liquid into the pipette.

What temp does water freeze at partial vacuum?

The freezing point of water decreases as the pressure decreases in a vacuum. At very low pressures, water can freeze at temperatures below 0°C due to reduced atmospheric pressure. The exact temperature at which water will freeze in a partial vacuum depends on the level of vacuum present.

Why vacuum is important on fresh water generator?

The purpose of the vacuum in the fresh water generator it can make a 50 degrees Celsius boil the water that's why they create a

Why did the water rise in the beaker When the candle burned out?

The water rose in the beaker because as the candle burned, it consumed oxygen in the air inside the beaker. This created a partial vacuum, causing the water to be pushed up into the beaker due to the air pressure outside.

What happens to a beaker of cool water placed in a vacuum chamber?

In a vacuum chamber, the water will start to evaporate more rapidly as the reduced pressure lowers the boiling point of the water. This rapid evaporation will cause the water to cool down further as it loses heat energy through the process.

Why you can't pump water higher then 12 meters?

That's not true. You can easily pump water higher than 12 meters providing you push it upwards from below. What you can't do is SUCK water upwards by more than 12 meters. The reason for that is that when you 'suck' water upwards, you're really creating a partial vacuum above the water and letting air pressure push the water up the pipe. But the weight of a column of 12 meters of water is more than the amount of air pressure there is to force it upwards, so a partial vacuum forms above 12 meters and the water simply won't move higher than that.

What carries air into your lungs?

when you contract your diaphram, or the lung muscle, your lungs become somewhat empty. this is called a partial vacuum. this is something that air, water, anything that can go in try to fill. the lungs, now a vacuum, pull stuff, supposed to be air!,into the lungs.

What struggle produces the partial negative and partial positive charges on a water molecule?

The unequal sharing of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a water molecule creates partial negative (on the oxygen atom) and partial positive (on the hydrogen atoms) charges. Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, so it attracts the shared electrons more strongly, leading to this partial charge separation.

What effect will a lid screwed on tightly have on a boiling point of water?

It will create a vacuum inside which reduces the time for water to boil and will utimately lead to bursting of the Jar due to pressure inside.

If a vessel under 2.015 ATM pressure conains N2 na d water vapor What is the partial pressure of the water vapor if partial pressure of N2 is 1.908?

To find the partial pressure of water vapor in the vessel, subtract the partial pressure of N2 from the total pressure: Partial pressure of water vapor = Total pressure - Partial pressure of N2 = 2.015 ATM - 1.908 ATM = 0.107 ATM.

How does a suction cup hold objects in place?

A suction Cup will trap air behind itself which causes a partial vacuum. The negative pressure of trapped air or water causes it to keep in contact with the surface it is against.

What gas besides air is in the flask when it is upside.down in the sink of cold water?

The gas trapped in the flask when it is upside-down in the sink of cold water is likely water vapor that has condensed from the surrounding air. As the air inside the flask cools, the water vapor condenses into liquid water, creating a partial vacuum that prevents water from entering the container.