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A fuel cell is a electrochemical device that converts the chemical energy of fuels such as hydrogen and natural gas, and oxidants like air and oxygen into electricity.

Fuel Cell Functionality

Fuel cells generate electricity from a simple electrochemical reaction in which an oxidizer, typically oxygen from air, and a fuel, typically hydrogen, combine to form a product, which is water for the typical fuel cell. Oxygen (air) continuously passes over the cathode and hydrogen passes over the anode to generate electricity, by-product heat and water. The fuel cell itself has no moving parts - making it a quiet and reliable source of power.

The electrolyte that separates the anode and cathode is an ion-conducting material. At the anode, hydrogen and its electrons are separated so that the hydrogen ions (protons) pass through the electrolyte while the electrons pass through an external electrical circuit as a Direct Current (DC) that can power useful devices. The hydrogen ions combine with the oxygen at the cathode and are recombined with the electrons to form water. The reactions are shown below.

Anode Reaction: 2H2 => 4H+ + 4e-

Cathode Reaction: O2 + 4H+ + 4e- => 2H2O

Overall Cell Reaction: 2H2 + O2 => 2H2O

Individual fuel cells can then be combined into a fuel cell "stack." The number of fuel cells in the stack determines the total voltage, and the surface area of each cell determines the total current. Multiplying the voltage by the current will yield the total electrical power generated.

Power (Watts) = Voltage (Volts) X Current (Amps)

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3mo ago

A fuel cell generates electricity through an electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is split into electrons and protons at the anode, with electrons flowing through an external circuit to produce electrical power. The electrons and protons combine with oxygen at the cathode to form water as the only byproduct.

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What is the main fuel for the work of the cell?

The main fuel source for the work of the cell is the mitochondria.

Is a fuel cell a secondary cell?

No, a fuel cell is not considered a secondary cell. Fuel cells generate electricity through a chemical reaction involving a fuel source and an oxidizing agent, without the need for recharging like secondary cells, such as batteries.

Why is it correct to classify the fuel cell that you have costructed as a voltaic cell?

A fuel cell operates based on the same principle as a voltaic cell; it generates electricity through a chemical reaction. In a fuel cell, chemical energy from the fuel is directly converted to electrical energy without combustion, making it similar to a voltaic cell that uses redox reactions to generate electrical energy. Therefore, it is correct to classify a fuel cell as a type of voltaic cell.

What is principle and working of bio fuel cell?

A biofuel cell is a type of fuel cell that generates electricity using enzymes or microorganisms to catalyze the conversion of chemical energy in organic compounds directly into electrical energy. The principle involves the utilization of biological catalysts to drive the electrochemical reactions, typically using glucose, ethanol, or other organic materials as fuel sources. This process involves oxidation of the fuel at the anode and reduction of an oxidant at the cathode, leading to the production of electricity.

What is the substance that supplies energy to fuel cell activity?

The substance that supplies energy to fuel cell activity is typically hydrogen. It is used as the fuel source in the anode compartment of the fuel cell and undergoes a reaction that produces electrons and protons, which then generate electricity.

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What is the main fuel source fuel the work of the cell?

The main fuel source for the work of the cell is the mitochondria.

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The main fuel source for the work of the cell is the mitochondria.

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The main fuel source for the work of the cell is the mitochondria.

What is the main source for the work of the cell?

The main fuel source for the work of the cell is the mitochondria.

What is the main fuel source for work of the cell?

The main fuel source for the work of the cell is the mitochondria.

What is the main fuel for the work of the cell?

The main fuel source for the work of the cell is the mitochondria.

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What is a fuel cell vehicle?

Fuel cell vehicle is the vehicle which is using fuel cell stack as a moving force instead of conventional combustions engines. They can be fed by H2 - so it will hydrogen fuel cell, or work on the solid oxide fuel cell principles. We have published several article at our website Please check

What is the main fuel source for the work of the cell-?

ATP is called the energy source (battery) of the cell.

How is a fuel cell different from a typical cell?

A fuel cell oxidizes a fuel source, a standard cell is an electrochemical reaction.

What is fuel for a cell?

The fuel for a cell is made up of oxygen and hydrogen. The chemical energy produced by the two is what is converted to serve as fuel for the cell.

What Thermodynamic state function measures the maximum electric work in a fuel cell?

Gibbs free energy is the thermodynamic state function that measures the maximum electrical work that can be obtained from a fuel cell at constant temperature and pressure. It represents the balance between the system's enthalpy, entropy, and temperature.