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To remove old cat urine from carpet you could try using ATX odor kill and stain remover. It breaks down organic compounds that cause odor breaking them down to benign, odorless compounds.

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4mo ago

To remove old cat urine from carpet, start by blotting the area with a paper towel to absorb as much liquid as possible. Then, use a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar to saturate the area. Let it sit for a few hours before blotting it dry. Finally, sprinkle baking soda over the spot, let it sit overnight, then vacuum it up in the morning.

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Q: How do you remove old cat urine from carpet?
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How do you remove old urine stains?

To remove old urine stains, mix equal parts water and white vinegar and saturate the stained area. Let it sit for a few hours before blotting the area dry with a clean cloth. You can also sprinkle baking soda on the area after applying the vinegar solution to help absorb any remaining odor.

Can you get a accerate reading from two week old urine?

No, urine that is two weeks old is not suitable for accurate testing or analysis. The composition of urine changes over time due to bacterial growth and evaporation, which can affect the accuracy of any readings or tests conducted on it. It is recommended to use fresh urine for accurate results.

Is there a difference between a 13 year olds urine and a 18 year olds urine?

Generally, there should not be a significant difference between the urine of a 13-year-old and an 18-year-old in terms of composition. However, factors like diet, hydration levels, and medical conditions can influence urine characteristics in individuals of any age.

Why is it difficult to remove old stains from carpets?

Old stains on carpets can be difficult to remove because over time they can set into the carpet fibers, making them more stubborn to clean. Additionally, some stains are also acidic or contain dyes that can react with the carpet material, causing discoloration or damage. Regular cleaning and immediate treatment of stains can help prevent them from becoming deeply ingrained.

How do you clean an old stained carpet?

To clean an old stained carpet, start by dabbing the stain with a mixture of water and dish soap. Blot the area with a clean cloth. For tougher stains, use a mixture of vinegar and water or a carpet cleaning solution. Always test a small, hidden area first to ensure it does not damage the carpet fibers.

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To remove old dog urine from a Berber rug, mix equal parts white vinegar and water, apply the solution to the affected area, and blot with a clean cloth. For new urine stains, blot up as much liquid as possible, then use a pet stain remover specifically designed for carpets. Avoid using steam cleaners on Berber rugs, as they can damage the fibers.

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Where may I take old carpet to be re-cycled ?

Usually if you buy new carpet they will remove the old carpet and recycle it for you for free. IF this is not possible go to your local dump they should be able to recycle it and it will be out of your way.

How old is carpet that should be replaced?

It's a judgement call. If your carpet has holes or tears, is stained beyond cleaning, has odors that won't go away (like cat urine) or is worn to being thread bare, then you might want to consider replacing it. Age is certainly a factor in determining the condition of the carpet, but not always. Use and abuse trump age most of the time. The quality and features of the carpet are also factors.

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Is there a way to stop a cat from urinating on carpet instead of using litter box?

Make sure the old urine that is on the carpet is thoroughly cleaned up. Use some vinegar to help to cut the smell. Make sure your cat has easy access to a nice clean litter box. If the litter box gets dirty, then the cat will go elsewhere so keep it clean and changed.

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Take the cat to your veterinarian and have the cat diagnosed. Depending on the severity of the cat's problem, you may need to put it to sleep. In the meantime, you may want to keep the cat away from the carpet (put it outside or in uncarpeted rooms only).

How is a carpet cat tree reupholstered?

Carpet cat trees and scratching poles are usually fastened with a staple gun. You can take the old carpet off by lifting it with a large slot screwdriver. Then, wrap the carpet around the pole marking it with a magic marker where you want to cut it to fit. Then staple it back on with a staple gun. I wouldn't use nails or brads because my cat goes through her pole carpet in about a month before I have to recover it. They would be to hard to get out.

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