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In Rev. Sci. Intrum. 1995, 66 (1), 97-100, on page 98, the authors describe using a -1.1 V vs carbon (but I use vs Pt) in H2SO4 ( I use 50 mM) to electrochemically etch PtO2 off Pt. Hope this helps!

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3mo ago

Platinum oxide can be reduced to platinum by heating it in the presence of a reducing agent such as hydrogen or carbon monoxide. The reduction reaction dissociates the oxygen from the platinum, leaving behind pure platinum metal.

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Commercially, NO (nitric oxide or nitrogen oxide) is produced by the oxidation of ammonia at between 750 °C to 900 °C using platinum as catalyst. I

What is PtO-H2O?

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To reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, one can use techniques such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR), exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), or lean burn combustion. These methods help to convert nitrogen oxides into less harmful substances like nitrogen and water vapor. Regular maintenance of vehicles and equipment can also help reduce nitrogen oxide emissions.