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you need to distill it to 86% however this can be difficult as it will decompose make sure you have a pressure release valve. NO2 is toxic so make sure you do it under a good fume hood.

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To prepare fuming nitric acid from 69% nitric acid, you would need to concentrate the nitric acid by distillation under vacuum or by adding a dehydrating agent like concentrated sulfuric acid. This process will remove water and some nitrogen dioxide, resulting in fuming nitric acid with a higher concentration of nitric acid. Ensure to follow proper safety procedures due to the hazardous nature of fuming nitric acid.

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Q: How do you prepare fuming nitric acid from nitric acid 69 percent?
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What is the difference between red fuming and white fuming nitric acid?

Red fuming nitric acid contains nitrogen dioxide, giving it a reddish-brown color, while white fuming nitric acid does not. White fuming nitric acid is purer and more concentrated than red fuming nitric acid. Both are strong oxidizing agents used in various industrial processes.

Why add the nitric acid?

Nitric acid is added to help dissolve metals or metal oxides that may be present in a sample. It can also aid in the digestion of organic materials and improve the accuracy of analysis by facilitating the release of bound elements.

What is the primary hazard for nitric acid red fuming?

The primary hazard for nitric acid red fuming is its strong oxidizing properties, which can lead to fire or explosion when in contact with combustible materials. It is also corrosive and can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin or eyes.

How do you prepare 1 percent nitric acid solution?

To prepare a 1% nitric acid solution, you would mix 1 part of concentrated nitric acid with 99 parts of water (1:99 dilution). Always add acid to water slowly to avoid splashing. Use appropriate personal protective equipment when handling nitric acid due to its corrosive nature.

How do you prepare 2N nitric acid?

To prepare 2N (normality) nitric acid solution, you would need to dilute concentrated nitric acid with distilled water to achieve the desired concentration. Firstly, calculate the volume of concentrated nitric acid needed based on the desired final volume and concentration. Then, slowly add this calculated volume of concentrated nitric acid to the final volume of water while stirring continuously until the solution is homogeneous. Remember to always add acid to water, not the other way around, to avoid a violent reaction.

Related questions

What is fuming nitric acid price?

The Price of Fuming Nitric Acid ! Marutifinechemicals Fuming nitric acid is one of the most popular forms of nitric acid. The price of fuming nitric acid for marutifinechemicals is based on the weight of the acid and its purity. The price is also dependent on how much you need, which can be calculated by multiplying the amount bought by the cost per pound.

What is the difference between red fuming and white fuming nitric acid?

Red fuming nitric acid contains nitrogen dioxide, giving it a reddish-brown color, while white fuming nitric acid does not. White fuming nitric acid is purer and more concentrated than red fuming nitric acid. Both are strong oxidizing agents used in various industrial processes.

What makes nitric acid fuming?

Fuming nitric acid is the term used when the solution contains more than 86% HNO3. The characterization of fuming nitric acid varies based on the concentration of nitrogen dioxide. Concentrations above 86% are classified as red fuming nitric acid, while concentrations above 95% are known as white fuming nitric acid.

Why add the nitric acid?

Nitric acid is added to help dissolve metals or metal oxides that may be present in a sample. It can also aid in the digestion of organic materials and improve the accuracy of analysis by facilitating the release of bound elements.

What is the primary hazard for nitric acid red fuming?

The primary hazard for nitric acid red fuming is its strong oxidizing properties, which can lead to fire or explosion when in contact with combustible materials. It is also corrosive and can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin or eyes.

Deadly poison used in the Apollo?

The deadly poison used in the Apollo spacecraft was potassium cyanide. It was carried by astronauts as a precautionary measure in case they needed to end their lives quickly and painlessly in the event of an emergency or being stranded in space.

How do you prepare 1 percent nitric acid solution?

To prepare a 1% nitric acid solution, you would mix 1 part of concentrated nitric acid with 99 parts of water (1:99 dilution). Always add acid to water slowly to avoid splashing. Use appropriate personal protective equipment when handling nitric acid due to its corrosive nature.

What are some examples of rocket fuel?

Some examples of rocket fuels include liquid hydrogen, kerosene, liquid oxygen, and solid propellants such as ammonium perchlorate composite propellant (APCP) or solid rocket boosters. The choice of rocket fuel depends on factors like the specific mission requirements, efficiency, and safety considerations.

How do you prepare 2N nitric acid?

To prepare 2N (normality) nitric acid solution, you would need to dilute concentrated nitric acid with distilled water to achieve the desired concentration. Firstly, calculate the volume of concentrated nitric acid needed based on the desired final volume and concentration. Then, slowly add this calculated volume of concentrated nitric acid to the final volume of water while stirring continuously until the solution is homogeneous. Remember to always add acid to water, not the other way around, to avoid a violent reaction.

Deadly poison used in the Apollo program to power equipment?

The deadly poison used in the Apollo program to power equipment was polonium-210. It was used in the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) to provide electrical power for spacecraft systems during missions. However, precautions were taken to ensure the safety of personnel handling the equipment.

What are the subsidiary hazards for Nitric Acid Red Fuming?

The main subsidiary hazards for Nitric Acid Red Fuming include toxicity, corrosion, and potential for combustion when in contact with organic materials. It can also react violently with other substances, causing explosions and releasing toxic gases. Proper handling, storage, and disposal procedures are crucial to prevent accidents and exposure.

Why is nitric acid kept in air tight reagent bottle?

Nitric acid is highly corrosive and can react with moisture in the air, forming nitrogen dioxide gas. Storing it in an airtight container helps prevent these reactions and ensures the acid remains at its desired concentration and potency.