You cannot turn green into blue, for both of the colors green and blue are primary colors.
Yellow and green do not make blue. The primary colors that combine to create blue are red and green. Mixing yellow and blue will create green.
Would't it be fun to go and mix yellow paint with blue paint and see for yourself? But I will answer anyway. Yellow and blue make green. I also have other color combinations for you: THE COLOR KEY Red+blue=purple green+blue=yellow yellow+blue=green green+yellow=blue
No, red and blue do not make green. When you mix red and blue colors together, you get purple or a shade of violet. To make green, you would need to mix blue and yellow together.
No, blue and green do not mix to make yellow. Blue and yellow make green when mixed together.
Blue and yellow mixed together make green.
I don't know what they all make but Blue & Yellow make Green.
Blue and green mixed make a teal or blue-green.
No. Blue and green make blue-green, which is a tertiary color.
Blue and green mixed make a teal or blue-green.
Yellow and green do not make blue. The primary colors that combine to create blue are red and green. Mixing yellow and blue will create green.
Would't it be fun to go and mix yellow paint with blue paint and see for yourself? But I will answer anyway. Yellow and blue make green. I also have other color combinations for you: THE COLOR KEY Red+blue=purple green+blue=yellow yellow+blue=green green+yellow=blue
Yellow and blue
Your question answers itself. Blue and Green make Blue-Green.
The answer is to play this tune on the pipes: blue, green, yellow, blue, red, green.
No, red and blue do not make green. When you mix red and blue colors together, you get purple or a shade of violet. To make green, you would need to mix blue and yellow together.
Yes, green and blue go together.
Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.Your question answers itself. Green and blue make greenblue.