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Graphite , Bentonite , electric conductor carbon ,goldy verma 9818543288 sodium chloride , zink oxide , ioren ore , copper sulfate ,manganese sulfate ,etc material mixer can ready this compound ,

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3mo ago

To make backfill compound for earthing, use a mixture of Bentonite clay and fine sand in a ratio of approximately 70:30. Mix the two components thoroughly to ensure uniform distribution. This mixture helps improve the conductivity and moisture retention of the earthing system, maintaining effective grounding for electrical systems.

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Q: How do you make back fill compound of earthing?
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What compound word can you make with weight?

One compound word you can make with "weight" is "weightlifting."

How would you make a 2 M solution of a compound?

To make a 2 M solution of a compound, you would need to weigh out the correct amount of the compound based on its molecular weight and dissolve it in enough solvent to reach a final volume that gives you a concentration of 2 M. You can use the formula: amount of compound (g) = molarity (M) x volume (L) x molecular weight (g/mol) to calculate the amount needed.

What does fluorine and helium make together?

Fluorine is a highly reactive element, while helium is inert. When combined, fluorine and helium do not form a stable compound or molecule. Helium is typically used to inertly fill containers to prevent reaction with other substances.

How could one make a 2 M solution of a compound?

To make a 2 M solution of a compound, you would first need to determine the molar mass of the compound. Once you have the molar mass, you can calculate the amount of compound needed to make the solution by using the formula: moles = Molarity x Volume (in liters). Finally, dissolve the calculated amount of compound in the appropriate volume of solvent to make a 2 M solution.

Who is a compound prefect?

A compound prefect is a student leader who oversees a group of students within a school setting. They are responsible for maintaining discipline, coordinating activities, and serving as a liaison between students and school administration. This role is common in some boarding schools or institutions with residential programs.

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How do you make a good earthing for home?

To make a good earthing for your home, you have to use coal and wood powder in equal proportions.

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How do you make a good earthing pit?

Follow the instructions on Youtube.

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What is plate earthing procedure?

pipe earthing is done outside the tower, a hole of required diameter and depth is excavated and a pipe filled with coke and salt is put inside that hole which will be connected to the earth strip eventually connecting to the foot of the tower. The other method of tower earthing is counterpoise in which galvanised strip of wires is connected to the foot of the tower and is being earthed to a depth at some distance. Hope this answer work for you.. mohit sharma

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How do you make a good earthing?

To create a good earthing system, ensure that the grounding rod is sufficiently deep in the ground to make good contact with the soil. Use high-quality materials like copper for better conductivity. Regularly inspect and maintain the earthing system to prevent corrosion and ensure effective grounding.

Why earth is done?

Earthing is done to make electrical appliances safe and secure, from immediate shock or lightning that may affect building.

Method of earthing?

In plate earthing we make chamber whose depth should be app. 2.5 to 3 mtr and dia should be app. 600 mm(as per plate size).we insert a cu/GI plate as per required size (app. 600x600x3/5) and two cu/GI strip should be attached vertically with this plate which should be properly bolted.Among these strips we fixed a GI pipe whose dia. app. 2.5"placed centrally for filling water.Then fill salt, coal and soil in this chamber. Finally make a flap on this chamber for protection and maintenance work

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