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You inhale air through your nose or mouth, which contains oxygen. This oxygen is then absorbed into your bloodstream through your lungs and delivered to your body's cells for cellular respiration.

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Q: How do you get the oxygen you need for respiration?
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What does gas need for respiration?

Oxygen is the gas that is required for respiration.

Why is external respiration vital to cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration need oxygen. This oxygen is supplied by external respiration

Why is anaerobic respiration required?

When oxygen runs out, the muscles and other cells need to obtain energy from oxygen and nutrients. Anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen) fills this need.

What molecule is used during aerobic respiration?

Cellular respiration can be aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen, anaerobic respiration does not need oxygen.

Does respiration always need oxygen?

No it does not as it can also respire anaerobicallyOxygen is needed for aerobic respiration only.Anaerobic respiration does not need

What gas is needed for cellar respiration?

For cellular respiration you need oxygen.

What does a person need for respiration to happen?

a person needs oxygen and glucose for respiration

What would happen if we did not have anaerobic respiration?

Nothing! as we are aerobes and need oxygen for respiration.

What two raw materials are needded for respiration?

For respiration you need oxygen and glucose.

What gas do plants need to respiration?

Plants need oxygen in order to survive, and is a part of the photosynthesis process. Plants also need carbon dioxide and nitrogen to survive.

What gas is used up and what gas is produced in respiration?

Oxygen is used up in respiration, and carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product.

What do sea urchins use oxygen for?

Any animal need oxygen for respiration.