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If its a wooden wall then the mold is (be the description) wet rot. To get rid of that you have to treat all the wood and replace any thats breaking up. Then you have to treat the source of the damp thats causing the wood to break down

If its a rendered wall i.e. brick, block or stone that been cemented over then top coat plastered the its again damp forcing the salts out of the materials - You can brush it off and seal it with a stabliser or PVA but you really need to investigate the damps origin and deal with that first

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To get rid of white mold on a basement wall, you can mix a solution of water and detergent and scrub the affected area with a brush. After cleaning, allow the area to dry completely and improve ventilation in the basement to prevent future mold growth. Consider using a dehumidifier to keep the area dry.

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Q: How do you get rid of white mold on basement wall?
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How do you get rid of basement odor?

To get rid of basement odor, you can start by ensuring good ventilation by opening windows or using fans. Clean the space thoroughly, focusing on areas prone to mold or mildew growth. Consider using air purifiers, dehumidifiers, or odor absorbers to help eliminate any lingering odors.

What should you use to get rid of mold in your house and carpet?

For mold on hard surfaces like walls, use a mixture of water and white vinegar or a mild detergent. For carpet, it's best to use a carpet cleaner with mold-killing properties or a professional mold removal service. Ensure proper ventilation and moisture control to prevent future mold growth.

White fuzz coming up from an old concrete floor in the basement which you think is lime seeping up How do you get rid of it you wipe it and it returns?

The white fuzz is likely efflorescence, which is caused by mineral deposits being brought to the surface by water. To get rid of it, you need to address the underlying moisture issue in the basement. Ensure proper drainage, fix any leaks, and consider applying a waterproof sealant to the concrete floor to prevent further seepage of lime. Regular cleaning with a mild detergent can help remove the efflorescence temporarily.

Would Windex kill mold?

Windex is not specifically formulated to kill mold. It may help clean a surface where mold is growing, but it will not fully eliminate the mold spores. It's best to use a mold-specific cleaner or a solution of water and bleach to effectively get rid of mold.

How do you get rid off moldy smells?

To get rid of moldy smells, you can try using white vinegar, baking soda, or activated charcoal. These substances can help neutralize the odor and absorb moisture. Proper ventilation and reducing humidity levels can also prevent mold growth and eliminate odors in the long term.

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How do I prevent mold in basement?

Keep the basement clean and get rid of moisture.

If water is left in a basement for two months will it create mold?

I would have to say probably. I would get rid of the water in your basement just to make sure. If you do leave the water in the basement and it creates mold it may cost a fortune to fix

What steps can I take to get rid of mold?

White vinegar will get rid of mold in your shower. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray wherever you see mold. The best thing about vinegar is that it is natural and doesn't have bad chemicals.

A black residue on your wall from your basement apartment what is that?

Sounds like black mold.....the wall must be getting wet. Clean with a mixture of half water - half bleach, prime with Kilz, then paint 2 coats of paint. Try to get rid of the water or moisture making the problem or it will eventually destroy the wall. I just did a job like that last week :-)

How do you get rid of chronic mold on your house plants?

To get rid of chronic mold on your house plants, you can gently wipe the affected areas with a damp cloth to remove the mold. Ensure proper ventilation and air circulation around the plants to prevent mold growth. Avoid overwatering the plants and make sure to maintain appropriate humidity levels in the room. You can also try using a natural fungicide or neem oil to eliminate the mold.

How can i get rid of black mold?

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What is the greenest way to take care of black mold removal?

One of the greenest ways to get rid of black mold is by using white vinegar. It reportedly kills 82% of mold. Simply pour white vinegar into a spray bottle and spray on moldy area.

How do you get rid of mold in a crawl space?

Control the water and you control the mold.

How to Resolve Your Basement Mold Issues With Mold Remediation and Humidity Control?

To resolve basement mold issues, start by addressing the source of moisture causing the mold growth. Conduct mold remediation by removing any visible mold, cleaning surfaces with mold-killing solutions, and disposing of contaminated materials. Implement proper humidity control measures such as using a dehumidifier, improving ventilation, and sealing any leaks to prevent future mold growth. Regularly inspect and maintain your basement to ensure a mold-free environment.

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Will the Eva-dry EH-500F remove a musty smell from my basement?

Eva-dry EH-500F, will dry air and prevent formation of mold and fungi. This will help you in getting rid of musty smell from basement. For better result it is advisable to clean basement before installation of Eva-dry EH-500F. You can get Eva-dry EH-500F, with fragrance.