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To get rid of the smell of white spirits spilled on a concrete floor, you can sprinkle baking soda or cat litter over the affected area to absorb the odor. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight, then sweep or vacuum up the absorbent material. You can also try using a mixture of water and vinegar to mop the area, as vinegar can help neutralize odors.

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Q: How do you get rid of the smell of white spirits spilled on a concrete floor?
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Why does a red thermometer smell?

A red liquid inside a thermometer, often colored with mercury or alcohol, can emit a metallic smell when exposed to air as these substances are volatile. The smell is more noticeable when the thermometer is broken or if the liquid is spilled, releasing the odor into the air.

Can people smell weed if you smoke on the top floor?

It depends on the ventilation and insulation in the building. Smoke can travel through openings in the floor or vents, potentially allowing the smell to reach other areas. It's best to smoke in a well-ventilated area or use devices that minimize the smell.

How can you get rid of odor from your new glue down to concrete hardwood floor?

To remove the odor from glue down to a concrete hardwood floor, try sprinkling baking soda over the affected area and letting it sit for several hours before vacuuming it up. You can also try using white vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle to neutralize the odor. If the smell persists, consider using an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for removing odors.

Is odour a abstract noun or a concrete noun?

Odour is a concrete noun because it refers to something that can be perceived by the senses, specifically the sense of smell. It represents a physical quality or characteristic of something that exists in the real world.

How get rid of urine smell on floor?

To get rid of urine smell on a floor, you can try cleaning the area with a mixture of white vinegar and water. Alternatively, you can use an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed to break down urine odor molecules. Make sure to thoroughly clean the affected area and allow it to dry completely to eliminate the smell.

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Evil spirits have been known to smell like Calatheas. Calatheas are exotic flowers found in the tropical Americas. There is no proven reason that evil spirits smell like this. But many people have reported and proven to smell Calatheas flowers when using ouija board or other methods of bringing demons.

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Try covering it in baking powder and leaving it for as long as possible like a day is normally good 2 give it time 2 absorb the smell and then vacuum the powder up. only problem is it looks suss when you have the powder on the floor.

Do spirits have a smell?

Read the related answers on this topic. But Jesus said that spirits do not have flesh and bones, (Luke 24.39), though they may take on any form or smell as the unclean spirits in Revelation 16.13

Is smell abstract noun?

Smell definitely can be a noun, as well as a verb. A particular smell (odor) can be sensed, and is a concrete noun. The general sense of smell (detecting scents and odors) is an abstract noun.

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To get rid of spilled egg smell in the trunk carpet first remove all the egg residue. Next, use a carpet cleaner on the carpet. Lastly, spray the area with an odor eliminator like Febreeze.

Does a concrete noun have to be something you can touch?

A concrete noun is something you can see, hear, taste, smell or touch.

How do you get the odor out of car interior from spilled gasoline?

There are several sprays specially made to clean the smell of car interiors

How do you use turpintine in a sentence?

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bath in tamato paste

Is flowers concrete noun?

Yes, flower is a concrete noun, a word for a physical thing that you can see, you can smell, you can touch.

What is a concrete sentence?

Concrete noun- is a noun which can be recognized by our 5 senses which are Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch.