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Petrol is obtained from crude oil by fractional distillation and subsequent mixing of some of the fractions to obtain the desired properties. There are seasonal differences in petrol to facilitate vehicle operation under different climactic conditions. Some of the fractions for the petrol may be obtained by "cracking" higher molecular weight fractions to lower molecular weights. Some impurities, like sulfur, and some unsaturation of the fraction may be removed by treatment with hydrogen which replaces the impurity on the hydrocarbon molecule or adds hydrogen to the molecule to make it more stable. Some of the fractions may be treated to rearrange some of the molecules to make a more desireable product. It is a complex process that is highly dependant on the crude source, desired products, time of year, and the configuration of the refinery. From the same crude may come: fractions for making plastics, rubber, heating oil, diesel and gasoline fuels, lpg fuel, lubricants, solvents, petroleum coke, elemental sulfur, asphalt, bunker fuel oil, etc.

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4mo ago

Petrol is obtained from crude oil through a process called fractional distillation. During this process, crude oil is heated to separate its various components based on their boiling points. Petrol, which has a relatively low boiling point, is collected as a separate fraction during the distillation process.

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How is petrol obtain from crude oil?

Petrol is obtained from crude oil through a process called fractional distillation. Crude oil is heated, and different components within the oil vaporize at different temperatures. Petrol is collected as one of the products when the vapors are condensed back into liquid form based on its boiling point.

What method will separate petrol from crude oil?

Fractional distillation is the most common method used to separate petrol from crude oil. This process involves heating the crude oil to separate it into different components based on their boiling points, allowing the petrol to be collected at a specific temperature range.

What is the name of the process used to separate crude oil into products like petrol?

The process used to separate crude oil into products like petrol is called fractional distillation. It involves heating crude oil to separate it into different components based on their boiling points.

How petrol is extracted from crude oil?

Petrol is extracted from crude oil through a process called fractional distillation. Crude oil is heated, and the different components evaporate at different temperatures. The vapors are then cooled and condensed into liquid fractions, with petrol being one of the products obtained through this process.

What is oil petrol and diesel made of?

Oil, petrol, and diesel are made from crude oil, which is a fossil fuel formed from the remains of tiny plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons, which are organic compounds containing hydrogen and carbon atoms. The refining process separates the different hydrocarbons present in crude oil to produce products like petrol and diesel.