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Inhaling the fumes from rubber cement can cause a feeling of euphoria due to the chemicals it contains, such as toluene and acetone. However, this practice is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious health problems, including organ damage and brain damage. It is not safe or recommended to use rubber cement to get high.

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Q: How do you get high from rubber cement?
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What is the pH of rubber cement?

The pH of rubber cement is typically around 6-7, making it slightly acidic to neutral. However, the pH may vary depending on the specific formulation and additives used in the rubber cement.

How do you stick rubber to cement?

To stick rubber to cement, you can use a strong adhesive like contact cement or rubber cement. Make sure both surfaces are clean and dry before applying the adhesive, then follow the manufacturer's instructions for application and bonding. Press the rubber firmly onto the cement and allow proper drying time for a secure bond.

Can you use mineral spirits or acetone to thin rubber cement?

It is not recommended to thin rubber cement with mineral spirits or acetone as it can alter its properties and affect its adhesive strength. It is best to use the manufacturer's recommended solvent for thinning rubber cement.

What happens if you put rubber cement in the fridge?

Putting rubber cement in the fridge can make it less viscous and slow down its drying process. However, the cold temperature may impact its adhesive properties once it warms back up to room temperature. It is generally not recommended as it can alter the effectiveness of the rubber cement.

What is rubber cement glue made from?

Rubber cement glue is typically made from a mixture of natural rubber or synthetic rubber, along with a solvent such as acetone or hexane. The rubber component provides the adhesive properties, while the solvent helps to keep the mixture in a liquid state for easy application.