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A common way to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in water is to heat your water sample to about 50-60 C, for half an hour, and then cool it back down to the temperature you'll titrate at. Often nitrogen gas is bubbled through the sample as it cools back down.

You're purging CO2 because when you're heating the water you're increasing the kinetic energy of the solution which allows for more energy for the CO2 to escape the solution. Nitrogen gas is used to keep CO2 from entering back into the solution while it cools. If you don't have gaseous nitrogen then heating will still reduce the CO2 content of the water.

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3mo ago

To eliminate dissolved carbon dioxide during titration, you can use a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Add the NaOH solution to the titration vessel before starting the titration process to neutralize any dissolved carbon dioxide, converting it to carbonate. This will prevent interference with the titration results.

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