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*Buy '''Simple Solution''' ''Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover'' from a pet store (like PetCo or PetSmart). Spray the stained area on the futon with it, wetting it throughly, and wait one day. Do it again. By the end of the 2nd day, the odor should be gone, and the stain should be, too.

*Another product is Kids 'N' Pets. I used it on a mattress severely blackened with mouse-urine and it worked wonderfully. My hideous mattress was like new after only 2 applications, so I doubt a fresh stain would need more than one application. (It is available at Kmart and Walmart, and probably other chain stores. It is generally located with the household cleaners.) Kids 'N' Pets package directions say: "For deep down urine odors in carpets, carpet pads, upholstery, mattresses, auto upholstery, etc., make sure you THOROUGHLY SOAK the affected area with KIDS 'N' PETS. Then simply leave the treated area very wet and let it air dry. Odors will fade as KIDS 'N' PETS dries. "To remove stains, wipe up as much of stain as possible then saturate stain with KIDS 'N' PETS. Let it work for 5 minutes then wipe away stain with a clean white cloth. Older stains may have to be soaked for one hour or more for complete stain removal." *"Nature's Miracle" is an excellent product and seems to be the most recommended by experts who have no affilliations to any product. Can be bought at pet stores or stores (including healthfood stores) that carry pet products. I've used it numerous times to get urine out of carpets.

Prevention is probably the best cure --cover futon with non permeable cover when you are not using it.

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4mo ago

To clean urine from a futon, blot up as much liquid as possible using paper towels. Mix water and white vinegar in a 1:1 ratio, then spray the solution onto the affected area and blot with a clean cloth. Let it air dry completely, then sprinkle baking soda on the spot to absorb any remaining odor. Vacuum the baking soda after a few hours.

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