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People use chemical energy by consuming food and beverages, which are broken down in the body to release chemical energy through the process of digestion and metabolism. This energy is then used by the body to fuel various biological processes such as movement, growth, and maintaining body temperature. Additionally, fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas are sources of chemical energy that are used to power vehicles, heat homes, and generate electricity.

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Q: How do people use chemical energy?
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What objects use chemical energy?

Objects such as batteries, fuel cells, and living organisms like plants use chemical energy to power their functions. Chemical energy is stored in the form of molecules and is converted into other forms of energy when the objects undergo chemical reactions.

Is energy from food chemical energy?

Yes, energy from food is considered chemical energy. When we consume food, our body breaks down the chemical bonds in the food molecules to release energy that our cells can use for various biological processes.

Do phones use chemical energy'?

Yes, phones use chemical energy to operate. The battery inside a phone contains chemical compounds that release energy through a chemical reaction to power the device. This energy is then used to run the various components of the phone, like the screen and processor.

How do plants use chemical energy?

Plants use chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into glucose. This glucose serves as a source of chemical energy that plants can use for growth, reproduction, and other metabolic processes. The stored chemical energy in glucose is then utilized by the plant through cellular respiration to produce ATP, the energy currency of cells.

Way you can use chemical energy?

Chemical energy can be used to power various devices and technologies through processes like combustion, batteries, and fuel cells. Examples include the burning of gasoline in a car engine, the conversion of chemical energy in batteries to electrical energy for portable devices, and the use of hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity for vehicles.

Related questions

What form of energy do people use?

The energy we get from the food, which is a type of chemical energy.

Why do people use gas when they can make an engine that runs on water?

You cannot use the chemical energy of water as a source of energy. It takes more energy to use it than you get out of it.

When do you use chemical energy?

we use chemical energy when you cook, also when you move and when you play an instrument

How can you use chemical energy in a sentence?

chemical energy is one type of energy i know

Why do you use chemical energy?

Because we can not use energy from light directly. It has to be converted into chemical energy in food molecules which we can then use to fuel cellular activities.

Why can people use fruits to make electricity?

I think it's because they contain chemical energy

Do cars use chemical energy?

Yes. Chemical energy, changed to heat energy, changed to mechanical energy.

How do you use chemical energy?

you use chemical energy by cooking an egg, burning wood, water on wood/metal

What type of energy transformation do batteries use?

Electrical to chemical and chemical to electrical energy.

what Chemical energy is the energy of what?

Chemical energy refers to the potential energy of a chemical substance to undergo a transformation through a chemical reaction. The making or breaking of the chemical bonds involves the use of energy which are usually evolved or absorbed from a chemical system.

Do organisms use energy in the form of chemical energy?


What type of energy do cars use?

Chemical energy.