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They never did. Alchemy was abandoned because it didn't work. Some of the things that did work became chemistry. No one successfully turned lead into gold. Nor did anyone successfully create the philosopher's stone. Alchemy was basically chemistry with a lot of magic thrown into it. The alchemists were sorcerer want to be's. They attempted to conjure spirits, and use spells on chemicals that they believed contained magical properties, all in a vain attempt to convert base metals into something of greater value. Even Isaac newton, probably the greatest scientific mind of the last 500 years, accomplished nothing in alchemy, even though he experimented with it for decades.

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Alchemists believed they could turn metal into gold through a process called transmutation. This involved a blend of mystical beliefs, spiritual practices, and chemical experimentation, but ultimately was never proven to be scientifically possible. The pursuit of turning metal into gold was a prominent goal in alchemy, but it was later abandoned as modern chemistry developed.

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Q: How do Alchemists turn metal into gold?
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Why Alchemists were not successful to turn metal into gold?

Alchemists were not successful in turning metal into gold because they lacked a scientific understanding of chemistry and the atomic structure of elements. The goal of transmuting base metals into gold was based on mystical beliefs and symbolism rather than empirical evidence or experimentation. Additionally, the technology and tools available to alchemists at the time were not advanced enough to achieve such a transformation.

What is the name for a person who can transform base metal to gold?

The term for a person who can transform base metal into gold is an alchemist. In ancient times, alchemists sought to find the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance believed to have the power to transmute metals.

Why might alchemists have though they could turn other metals into gold?

Alchemists believed in the concept of transmutation, the ability to transform one substance into another. They thought that with the right combination of ingredients and processes, they could achieve this transformation with metals. Gold was considered the most perfect and pure metal, so alchemists sought to replicate its properties in other metals through their experiments.

What did alchemists make out of iron and lead?

Alchemists believed they could transform iron into gold through a process called transmutation. Lead was also considered a common base metal that alchemists attempted to transmute into a more noble metal like gold. However, these claims were never scientifically proven and were considered mystical practices.

Medieval scientists who attempted to change worhless metals into gold?

Alchemists were medieval scientists who attempted to change worthless metals into gold through a process called transmutation. They believed in the concept of the philosopher's stone, a mythical substance that could turn base metals into gold. Despite their efforts, alchemists were unsuccessful in their pursuit of creating gold through alchemical processes.

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Why did alchemists think they could turn metal into gold?

I dont know people

Why Alchemists were not successful to turn metal into gold?

Alchemists were not successful in turning metal into gold because they lacked a scientific understanding of chemistry and the atomic structure of elements. The goal of transmuting base metals into gold was based on mystical beliefs and symbolism rather than empirical evidence or experimentation. Additionally, the technology and tools available to alchemists at the time were not advanced enough to achieve such a transformation.

What was the obsession of early alchemists?

One was to find the "philosopher's stone" a device that could turn lead (a base metal) into gold.

What metal were the alchemists trying to produce?

They were trying to convert lead into gold.

What is the name for a person who can transform base metal to gold?

The term for a person who can transform base metal into gold is an alchemist. In ancient times, alchemists sought to find the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance believed to have the power to transmute metals.

Is alchemists hereditary?

I don't think "alchemists" is the word you meant to use, because your question does not make sense. Alchemists are people who try to magically turn lead into gold, or otherwise magically turn one substance into another.

Why might alchemists have though they could turn other metals into gold?

Alchemists believed in the concept of transmutation, the ability to transform one substance into another. They thought that with the right combination of ingredients and processes, they could achieve this transformation with metals. Gold was considered the most perfect and pure metal, so alchemists sought to replicate its properties in other metals through their experiments.

What was the goal of the European alchemists?

To turn lead into gold, and to create the philosopher's stone.

What did alchemists make out of iron and lead?

Alchemists believed they could transform iron into gold through a process called transmutation. Lead was also considered a common base metal that alchemists attempted to transmute into a more noble metal like gold. However, these claims were never scientifically proven and were considered mystical practices.

Islamic scientists who tried to turn ordinary metals into gold?

The scientist were called Alchemists.

What was a major goal of some alchemists?

To turn lead into gold, and to create the philosopher's stone.