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The rate of loss of limestone increased as the experiment progressed. Initially, the reaction between the acid and limestone was slower, resulting in a lower rate of loss. However, as more limestone was consumed and the surface area for the reaction increased, the rate of loss of limestone accelerated.

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Q: How did the rate of loss of the limestone change from the beginning of the experiment to the end?
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How does sulfuric acid react with limestone?

Sulfuric acid reacts with limestone by dissolving the calcium carbonate in the limestone to form calcium sulfate, carbon dioxide, and water. This reaction is a chemical weathering process that can result in the dissolution of the limestone over time.

If you heated limestone how would you expect the mass of the limestone to compare with the mass of calcium oxide?

When limestone is heated, it undergoes a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide gas, leaving behind calcium oxide. As a result, the mass of the limestone would be greater than the mass of the calcium oxide produced, due to the loss of carbon dioxide during the reaction.

What change is observe when a leave was boiled in warm water in a experiment?

When a leaf is boiled in warm water, the heat can cause the cell membranes in the leaf to rupture. This can result in the loss of color pigments in the leaf, causing it to turn pale or translucent. Additionally, the proteins in the leaf may denature due to the heat, leading to changes in the leaf's structure and texture.

How does high temperature affect limestone?

High temperatures can cause limestone to undergo a process called calcination, where it breaks down into lime (calcium oxide) and carbon dioxide. This reaction is reversible, with lime reverting back to limestone in the presence of carbon dioxide. Continued exposure to high temperatures can lead to the loss of structural integrity in limestone due to thermal stress.

If you melt magnesium metal is it a chemical change?

Melting magnesium metal is a physical change because it is a reversible process where the substance's physical state changes but its chemical identity remains the same. Chemical changes involve the formation of new substances with different chemical properties.

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The rate of heat loss from the hot cup decreased during the experiment.

Solid limestone may change into a cave when?

Solid limestone may change into a cave when it is dissolved by acidic rainwater or groundwater over long periods of time. The water dissolves the limestone, creating underground voids and passages that eventually form a cave system. Other factors like tectonic activity or volcanic activity can also contribute to cave formation in certain circumstances.

How does sulfuric acid react with limestone?

Sulfuric acid reacts with limestone by dissolving the calcium carbonate in the limestone to form calcium sulfate, carbon dioxide, and water. This reaction is a chemical weathering process that can result in the dissolution of the limestone over time.

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can somebody tell me about loss and change theory.tnx

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Energy loss due to leaks in the calorimeter

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How does limestone affect monuments?

Limestone monuments can be affected by weathering processes, such as erosion, through exposure to rainwater and acidic pollutants in the air. These factors can cause the deterioration of the limestone surface, leading to cracking, spalling, and loss of detail on the monument. Over time, the appearance and structural integrity of limestone monuments can be significantly altered by these weathering effects.

How did the rate of heat loss from the hot cup change during the experiment?

The rate of heat loss from the hot cup likely decreased over time as the temperature of the cup approached that of the surroundings. Initially, when the cup was hot, the rate of heat loss would have been higher due to the temperature difference between the cup and the surroundings. As the cup cooled down and approached equilibrium with the room temperature, the rate of heat loss would have reduced.

If you heated limestone how would you expect the mass of the limestone to compare with the mass of calcium oxide?

When limestone is heated, it undergoes a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide gas, leaving behind calcium oxide. As a result, the mass of the limestone would be greater than the mass of the calcium oxide produced, due to the loss of carbon dioxide during the reaction.

Heat is eliminated during the process of freezing this loss of heat is considered what kind of change?

This loss of heat is considered a physical change.

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A physical change in matter caused by a loss or gain of heat is called a thermal change.

What change is observe when a leave was boiled in warm water in a experiment?

When a leaf is boiled in warm water, the heat can cause the cell membranes in the leaf to rupture. This can result in the loss of color pigments in the leaf, causing it to turn pale or translucent. Additionally, the proteins in the leaf may denature due to the heat, leading to changes in the leaf's structure and texture.