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A monosaccharide would have a simple chemical formula like C6H12O6, representing one unit of sugar. In contrast, a disaccharide would have a more complex chemical formula like C12H22O11, indicating the presence of two sugar units bonded together through a glycosidic linkage.

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Q: How could you distinguish the chemical formula of a monosaccharide from disaccharide?
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What is the chemical formula for disaccharides?

A disaccharide's chemical formula depends on the disaccharide. DIsaccharides are merely molecules that have two sugar molecules covalently linked. They can be formed from nearly any permutation of sugar molecules. C6H12O6 is the formula for monosaccharide. C12H22O11 is the formula for disaccharide.

What is the structure of disaccharide?

A disaccharide is composed of two monosaccharide's that are linked by a glycoside bond. Its chemical formula is C12H22O11. Examples of disaccharides are sucrose, lactose and maltose.

What is the structure of a disaccharide?

A disaccharide is composed of two monosaccharide units linked together by a glycosidic bond. This bond forms between the anomeric carbon of one monosaccharide and a hydroxyl group of another monosaccharide, resulting in the formation of a larger carbohydrate molecule. Common examples of disaccharides include sucrose, lactose, and maltose.

What is the chemical formula of a disaccharide?


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What is sorbose?

Sorbose is a monosaccharide with the chemical formula C6H12O6.

What chemical formula for sugar?

Common table sugar is a disaccharide with formula: C12H22O11

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Is C12H22O11 a carbohydrate?

Yes, C12H22O11 is a carbohydrate. It is the chemical formula for sucrose, commonly known as table sugar. Sucrose is classified as a disaccharide, composed of glucose and fructose monosaccharide units.

What is the chemical formula of deoxyribose?

The chemical formula of deoxyribose is C5H10O4. It is a monosaccharide sugar that forms part of the backbone of DNA.

Molecular formula for disaccharide?

The general molecular formula for a disaccharide is C12H22O11. This formula represents two monosaccharide units linked together through a glycosidic bond. Examples of disaccharides include sucrose, lactose, and maltose.

Is deoxyribose a disaccharide?

No, deoxyribose is a monosaccharide, which means it is a single sugar molecule. It is a component of DNA and plays a crucial role in the structure of the DNA molecule.