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Ruth would be able to see that the copper sulfate crystals had dissolved in the water by observing if the crystals disappeared completely and the water turned into a clear blue solution. This indicates that the crystals have broken down and mixed evenly with the water, creating a homogeneous solution.

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Q: How could Ruth see that the copper sulphate crystals had dissolved in the water?
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how does Ruth know that some of the copper sulphate crystals had dissolved in the water?

Ruth would know that some of the copper sulphate crystals had dissolved in the water by observing if the water changed color to blue, which indicates that the copper sulphate dissolved. Additionally, she could check if there are fewer crystals at the bottom of the container, as they would have dissolved into the water. Ruth can also test by inserting a clean spoon and checking if any more crystals can stick to it, indicating that some have dissolved.

Why do you use copper sulphate?

A rather incomplete question. I could use copper sulphate for a number of reasons, for example as an electrolyte for copper plating, as a medium for growing impressive deep blue crystals, as a fungicide and so on. For fun, try dropping some iron filings into a fairly concentrated solution of copper sulphate and observe how the iron filings change to a copper colour and the solution changes to a green colour.

What color is copper sulphate?

Blue...but you could just google this in google images...??

What is formed when solid copper sulphate is mixed with water?

When solid copper sulfate is mixed with water, it forms a blue solution due to the dissolution of copper sulfate in water. The copper sulfate compound dissociates into copper ions (Cu2+) and sulfate ions (SO4 2-) in the water, resulting in a blue-colored solution.

Is copper product or reactant?

For copper, it is an element. It could be both reactant and product. While purifying copper will be the product. But copper would be the reactant in case of preparing hydrogen or copper sulphate salts.

Could separate iron filings from copper sulphate and copper oxide with a magnet?

Yes, a magnet would remove the iron filings without attracting the copper salts, copper salts are not magnetic.

Can copper displace iron from iron sulphate solution?

Yes, copper can displace iron from iron sulphate solution through a displacement reaction because copper is more reactive than iron. This reaction will result in the formation of copper sulphate and iron metal.

What makes copper ii sulphate?

Copper(II) sulfate [also called - cupric sulfate or copper sulphate] has the chemical formula CuSO4. That means it is made of Copper (Cu), Sulphur (S) and Oxygen (O) It is also found with adsorbed water (hydrated) which means that you could ad Hydrogen (H) to the mix.

How could you get the salt crystals back once you had dissolved them in water?

You will have to let the water evaporate by drying in the air or heating slightly.

What compound is a light green powder?

Copper(II) hydroxide is a light green powder compound.

Is copper sulfur a pure substance or a mixture?

There is no substance called "copper sulphur". You could have a mixture of copper and sulphur, though. But there are compounds (pure substances) of copper and sulphur as well. They include copper I and copper II sulphide (Cu2S and CuS). Another, very common compound is copper sulphate, CuSO4

How do you separate carbon iodine and copper sulphate?

To separate carbon, iodine, and copper sulfate, you could first dissolve the mixture in water. Then, carbon can be filtered out as it will not dissolve. Iodine can be extracted using a solvent like chloroform, which iodine dissolves in. Finally, copper sulfate can be separated by adding iron filings, which will displace the copper in a chemical reaction.