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You can't visibly see if a leaf is releasing water or oxygen. However, during photosynthesis, plants release oxygen and transpire water vapor through tiny openings called stomata on their leaves.

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Q: How can you tell if a leaf is realeasing water or oxygen?
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How can you tell there is more oxygen in hydrogen peroxide than in water?

You can tell that there is more oxygen in hydrogen peroxide than in water because hydrogen peroxide has an extra oxygen atom compared to water. The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, while the formula for water is H2O. This extra oxygen in hydrogen peroxide makes it a more oxidizing chemical compared to water.

What environment has the greater concentration of dissolved oxygen warm water or cool water?

Cool water typically has a greater concentration of dissolved oxygen than warm water. This is because oxygen dissolves better in colder water than in warmer water. Oxygen levels in water are important for supporting aquatic life and ecosystems.

what keeps The leaf from losing too much water from evaporation?

The waxy cuticle on the leaf's surface acts as a barrier to prevent excessive water loss through evaporation. Additionally, the stomata, tiny openings on the leaf surface, can open and close to regulate the amount of water vapor released. Lastly, some plants have specialized cells that can store water and help prevent dehydration.

How can you tell there is more percentage of oxygen than hydrogen in water?

By analyzing the molecular formula of water, which is H2O, we can see that there are two hydrogen atoms for every one oxygen atom. This means that water contains a higher percentage of oxygen than hydrogen. Additionally, the atomic masses of oxygen (16) and hydrogen (1) further support this observation.

What can dissolved oxygen tell us about water quality?

Dissolved oxygen levels in water can indicate its ability to support aquatic life. Low dissolved oxygen levels can stress or harm aquatic organisms, leading to negative impacts on the overall ecosystem health. Monitoring dissolved oxygen is important for assessing water quality and ensuring the well-being of aquatic ecosystems.

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How can you tell there is more oxygen in hydrogen peroxide than in water?

You can tell that there is more oxygen in hydrogen peroxide than in water because hydrogen peroxide has an extra oxygen atom compared to water. The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, while the formula for water is H2O. This extra oxygen in hydrogen peroxide makes it a more oxidizing chemical compared to water.

How does the formula for water tell you that there is only one oxygen atom in a water molecule?

Water is H2O, so it contains two hydrogen atoms (H2) and one oxygen atom (O).

How do you tell the difference between a frog and a jellyfish?

A jellyfish lives underwater and a frog lives on a leaf in the water or on land.

Can you tell by the shape of a leaf if it is poisonous?

No, none can tell that by the shape of a leaf, unless a certain kind of leaf is poisonous and has a certain shape, but not for all leaves.

How can you tell the difference between a leaf and a leaflet?

Leaf is part of a plant. Leaflet is part of a compound leaf.

Is peepal leaf simple or compound?

The peepal leaf is simple, meaning it is undivided and consists of a single leaf blade attached to the stem.

What environment has the greater concentration of dissolved oxygen warm water or cool water?

Cool water typically has a greater concentration of dissolved oxygen than warm water. This is because oxygen dissolves better in colder water than in warmer water. Oxygen levels in water are important for supporting aquatic life and ecosystems.

What can you tell about the makeup of water from its symbol?

its made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. obviously.

what keeps The leaf from losing too much water from evaporation?

The waxy cuticle on the leaf's surface acts as a barrier to prevent excessive water loss through evaporation. Additionally, the stomata, tiny openings on the leaf surface, can open and close to regulate the amount of water vapor released. Lastly, some plants have specialized cells that can store water and help prevent dehydration.

How can you tell there is more percentage of oxygen than hydrogen in water?

By analyzing the molecular formula of water, which is H2O, we can see that there are two hydrogen atoms for every one oxygen atom. This means that water contains a higher percentage of oxygen than hydrogen. Additionally, the atomic masses of oxygen (16) and hydrogen (1) further support this observation.

What can dissolved oxygen tell us about water quality?

Dissolved oxygen levels in water can indicate its ability to support aquatic life. Low dissolved oxygen levels can stress or harm aquatic organisms, leading to negative impacts on the overall ecosystem health. Monitoring dissolved oxygen is important for assessing water quality and ensuring the well-being of aquatic ecosystems.

What can you tell anout photosynthesis if a leaf begins to produce more gas bubbles?

The increase in the rate of gas production (oxygen) leads to the conclusion, that the rate of photosynthesis is increasing. As the rate of the products being released (the bubbles) increases that signifies that the cycle is speeding up, thus a greater amount of photosynthetic cycles are occurring.