Yes, dry ice can cause skin burns and frostbites. It's very cold temperature can freeze cells when contact is prolonged.
Treat dry ice burns the same way as treating other types of burns. Apply ointment and see a doctor when necessary.
Check link below for more information on dry ice and dry ice makers.
Dry ice is called so because it consists of solid carbon dioxide, rather than water ice. When dry ice melts, it sublimates directly into carbon dioxide gas, without leaving a liquid residue, which is why it is termed as "dry" ice.
The ratio of dry ice volume to mass depends on the temperature at which the dry ice is stored, as dry ice sublimes at -78.5°C. At this temperature, the volume of dry ice is about 832 cm³ per 1 kg of mass. Keep in mind that this ratio may vary slightly due to factors such as pressure and purity of the dry ice.
Dry ice is not an element, but rather a solid form of carbon dioxide, a compound made of carbon and oxygen. It does not occur naturally on Earth.
It is not recommended to mix dry ice with regular ice because dry ice is solid carbon dioxide, which will sublimate into a gas at a very cold temperature. Mixing it with regular ice may cause the regular ice to freeze faster and crack due to the extreme cold of the dry ice. It is best to keep them separate for safety reasons.
Dry ice is prepared by compressing and cooling carbon dioxide gas until it liquefies. The liquid carbon dioxide is then allowed to expand, which causes it to freeze into a solid state at a temperature of -78.5°C (-109.3°F). The resulting dry ice is then compressed into blocks or pellets for use.
Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide, totally different from ordinary ice, which is frozen water. Dry ice is much colder than water ice, thus evaporates quicker at room temperature. DO NOT TOUCH DRY ICE! It can hurt you badly.
The fumes that come from dry erase markers are not harmful. The markers do smell very bad but they will not hurt you in no way.
Dry ice is colder than regular ice and if you touch it ,it will hurt. Dry ice is solidified Carbon Dioxide, and it does not go from solid state to liquid state - it goes from solid state to gaseous state through a process called sublimation.
Solid CO2 is called dry ice.
Put cold ice, or warm water, and it will hurt less whe you pluck. Enjoy! and hope this helps/
Your ankles may hurt because you were standing for too long. Try resting them and putting them on ice.
Don't. It would hurt, and it would be difficult, since the dry ice would freeze itself to your mouth, or esophagus. If you managed to do this, drink warm water and then either throw up or burp like crazy, as the dry ice is actually frozen carbon dioxide gas, and you cannot keep the carbon dioxide gas in.
Yes, dry ice is opaque.
Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide.
Do you sell dry ice
Simple. You keep ice in dry ice. But be careful not to eat dry ice!