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Most elements found in nature are in the combined form because of the ionic and hydroqen bondinq.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

Most elements in nature exist in the form of compounds, where they are chemically bonded to other elements. In their pure form, elements can exist as solids, liquids, or gases depending on their properties and conditions. Elements in nature can also form minerals, rocks, and organic compounds through various natural processes.

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13y ago

The ACTUAL form in which matter is most commonly found is an element! What that other person had was not true! (they did not answer the question)!

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14y ago

Hydrogen is believed to be the most common element in the Universe, because it is the primary constituent of most stars.

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13y ago

Most elements are solids in compounds.

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11y ago

Most elements are found as an ore

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13y ago

Most elements in nature are metals

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10y ago

The answer is Yes.

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8y ago

Most elements in nature are solid.

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Why most elements not found in the free state in nature?

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Do molecular elements exist in nature?

Yes, The elements hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur are all molecular elements that exist in nature. Due to their reactivity, it is rare to find the halogens and phosphorus in their elemental forms in nature.

Do some elements in nature exist as molecules?

Yes: Oxygen and nitrogen are the most frequently encountered examples.

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88 different elements exist in nature.

Many elements found in nature exist as?

The chemical substances found in the atmosphere exist as gases.

What form are most elements in nature?

Most elements in nature are found in the solid state.

Why is most objects you observe are not elements?

- many elements doesn't exist in pure form in the nature - many objects are made from alloys - many objects are mixture of compounds

What do you find least of in nature elements compounds or mixtures?

Pure elements are found least in nature compared to compounds and mixtures. Most elements exist bonded to other elements to form compounds or mixed with other substances to form mixtures in nature. Pure elements are less common due to their tendency to react and combine with other elements.

Active elements that never exist alone in nature are known as?

Active elements that never exist alone in nature are known as reactive elements. These elements are highly reactive and readily form compounds with other elements to achieve a more stable state. Examples include sodium, potassium, and chlorine.

What are the only elements that exist in nature as in uncombined atoms?

The noble gases, gold and platinum.

In which state of matter do most elements exist?

Most elements exist in the state of matter known as solids at room temperature and pressure. Some elements can also exist as liquids or gases depending on the conditions.

Most elements in nature are?
