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both has to do with an ivestigation and/or crime experiment.

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1mo ago

A hypothesis states a predicted outcome for an experiment, while an experiment is designed to test the validity of the hypothesis by collecting data and analyzing results. The experiment provides empirical evidence to either support or refute the hypothesis. The relationship between hypothesis and experiment is crucial in the scientific method for forming and testing ideas.

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13y ago

Experiments are used to test hypotheses to see if they are true or false

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Q: How are hypothesis and experiment are related?
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Should flemings hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment?

To determine whether Fleming's hypothesis should be supported or rejected based on an experiment, one would need to analyze the results of the experiment in relation to the hypothesis. If the data from the experiment aligns with the predictions made by Fleming's hypothesis, then it should be supported. However, if the results contradict the hypothesis, it may need to be rejected or revised.

what is the hypothesis for acid?

The hypothesis for acid can vary depending on the context or specific experiment being conducted. One common hypothesis related to acids may be that they will lower the pH of a solution when added. Another hypothesis could be that acids will react with metals to produce hydrogen gas.

Which sentence was the most likely hypothesis for the experiment?

The most likely hypothesis for the experiment was that increasing the temperature would speed up the reaction.

What part of a scientific experiment is the hypothesis?

The hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through experiments. It is typically stated at the beginning of an experiment and serves as a basis for making predictions and designing the study.

What is a logical statement about what will happen in an experiment if the hypothesis is supported?

If the hypothesis is supported in an experiment, the expected outcome or result predicted by the hypothesis will likely be observed. This would provide evidence to validate the hypothesis and support the initial reasoning or explanation provided.

Related questions

How are a hypothesis a prediction and experiment related?

A hypothesis and predicition r kinda alike and the experiment is the testing of the hypothesis and prediction

When an experiment shows two variables are closely related the experiment shows?


How is a hypothesis a prediction and an experiment related?

Prediction and hypothesis are kinda the same thing. Experiment is what you do to test your hypothesis or prediction.

How are a hypothesis a prediction and an experiment related?

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. A prediction is a statement that forecasts what will happen based on the hypothesis. An experiment is conducted to test the hypothesis and, in turn, test the accuracy of the prediction.

When an experiment shows that shows that two variables are closely related the experiment shows?


When an experiment sHow is that two variable are closely related the experiment shows?


How are a hypothesis a predition and an experiment related?

none have been proved yet

What does the word hypothesis mean has it related to science?

its making an educated guess about the answer of the experiment.

What is the relationship between hypothesis and scientific theory?

A hypothesis is what you believe will happen when you do an experiment. Scientific theory is when you use the data you have received from an experiment and create an idea that best suits your results. A theory can be related back to your original hypothesis, the experiment can prove whether your hypothesis was right.

What is tested in an experiment?

A hypothesis is tested by an experiment. A hypothesis is an estimate or guess about an outcome. The experiment proves whether the hypothesis is correct or not correct.

Should the hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment?

That depends on the result of the experiment. The experiment is a way to test a hypothesis, and it's completely fine if the experiment disproves the hypothesis. Ideally, though, the experiment will support the hypothesis.

How do hypothesis help in doing some experiment?

Because it will perform a test of how two variables might be related. This is when you are doing a real experiment.