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It is important because irony know

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1mo ago

Shape is important because it determines how a solid interacts with its environment and other objects. The shape of a solid affects its stability, ability to fit into specific spaces, and how it functions in different applications. Additionally, shape can influence properties such as strength, density, and surface area.

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Q: Explain why shape is an important charactaristic of a solid?
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What the volume and shape of solid?

To determine the volume of a solid, you would need to know the appropriate formula based on the shape. Common formulas include volume = length × width × height for a rectangular solid, volume = πr^2h for a cylinder, and volume = (4/3)πr^3 for a sphere. The shape of the solid would determine which formula to use for calculating its volume.

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the difference between a two dimensional shape and and a solid is that a two dimensional shape is plane and a solid you can see the whole shape a the inside.