Inhaling hair lighteners can lead to respiratory issues such as irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs, as well as difficulty breathing. Prolonged exposure may result in more serious health problems like Asthma or bronchitis. Hair lighteners also contain potentially harmful chemicals that can be absorbed through the lungs, causing systemic toxicity over time.
Inhaling ammonia fumes can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, leading to symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, and burning sensations. Prolonged exposure to high levels of ammonia can result in more severe respiratory issues and damage to the respiratory system. In extreme cases, ammonia inhalation can be fatal.
Stearic acid is generally safe for use in cosmetics and food when used in appropriate amounts. However, consuming large quantities may cause digestive issues like bloating or diarrhea. Inhalation of stearic acid powder may irritate the respiratory tract.
Some dangers associated with silver include potential skin irritation or discoloration, respiratory issues if inhaled as a dust, and potential toxicity if ingested in large amounts. Silver compounds used in manufacturing can also be harmful to the environment if not properly controlled.
Anhydrous ammonia is a highly toxic gas that is corrosive to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Inhalation can cause irritation, difficulty breathing, and potentially death in high concentrations. It is also flammable and can react violently with water, posing explosion hazards.
Exposure to hyperchloric acid can be dangerous as it can cause severe burns, skin irritation, respiratory issues, and eye damage. Ingestion or inhalation of the acid can lead to serious health complications and even death. It is important to handle hyperchloric acid with caution and use proper safety measures to prevent harm.
respiratory problems, asthma and allergies can be caused by inhaling powder lighteners.
Because neptunium is radioactive, ingestion or inhalation can cause cancers.
There are many dangers associated with snorting cocaine. Some of the most serious dangers include developing depression, paranoia, damage to the lungs and nose and in extreme cases death.
They include but are not limited to: burns, electrical shock, inhalation of harmful fumes, and UV damage to the skin and eyes.
The big "C" ...Cancer
The two dangers associated with thunderstorms are lightning strikes, which can be deadly, and strong winds that can cause damage to structures and trees.
For God's sake. A consultant of what????
Cortifoam is a powerful drug with many possible severe side effects. It should only be used under the direction of a physician. Your doctor or his nurse can explain the mechanics of use and the dangers associated with application.
Some high dangers with a gastric bypass surgery are, bleeding, infection, bloodclots. Some low dangers are, gallstones, hernia and vomiting. The best way is to ask your Doctor of the dangers.
"The dangers of liposuction include bruising in areas the surgery was preformed, swelling, numbness or discomfort, and other more serious dangers such as surgical complication or infection"
It is because of the cold weather
In high concentrations CO2 is lethal.