a disaccharide is two monosaccharides. and a polysaccharide is a long chain of monosaccharides joined together. they are units of carbohydrates.
A disaccharide is a carbohydrate composed of two monosaccharide units linked together, such as sucrose (glucose + fructose). In contrast, a polysaccharide is a complex carbohydrate made up of multiple monosaccharide units linked together in long chains, such as starch or cellulose. Polysaccharides are larger and more complex than disaccharides.
The ratio of oxygen to hydrogen in a polysaccharide is independent of the type of monosaccharides that it consists of. The ratio does not depend on the number of carbons in the monosaccharide. Thus, for all polysaccharide compounds the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 2:1.
A disaccharide typically contains one glycosidic bond, which means there is one ring structure formed between two monosaccharide units. Therefore, a disaccharide contains one ring.
Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates made up of many sugar units bonded together, providing long-term energy storage in plants and animals. Oligosaccharides are shorter carbohydrate chains consisting of 3-10 sugar units, often serving as signaling molecules or aiding in cell recognition and communication within the body.
The energy in a polysaccharide is stored within the chemical bonds between the glucose molecules that make up the polysaccharide. When these bonds are broken through processes like digestion, the stored energy is released and can be utilized by the body for various functions.
A glycosidic bond forms between monosaccharides during the formation of a disaccharide. This bond is created through a dehydration reaction, where a hydroxyl group from one monosaccharide combines with the anomeric carbon of another monosaccharide, releasing a molecule of water in the process.
A disaccharide or polysaccharide.
The ratio of oxygen to hydrogen in a polysaccharide is independent of the type of monosaccharides that it consists of. The ratio does not depend on the number of carbons in the monosaccharide. Thus, for all polysaccharide compounds the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 2:1.
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