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Flowing water generally has more dissolved oxygen than still water because moving water allows more oxygen to be absorbed from the air. Still water can become depleted of oxygen over time due to lack of replenishment, especially in stagnant or enclosed areas.

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Q: Does still water have more oxygen than flowing water?
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What bodies of water have more dissolved oxygen?

Bodies of water that are well-oxygenated, usually have higher levels of dissolved oxygen. These include rivers and streams with fast-moving water, as well as colder water bodies like lakes and oceans. Additionally, bodies of water that are heavily influenced by algal blooms or photosynthetic processes tend to have higher dissolved oxygen levels during daylight hours.

Does cold water or hot water hold more oxygen?

Cold water can hold more dissolved oxygen than hot water. This is because the solubility of oxygen in water decreases as the temperature increases. Therefore, cold water has the ability to hold more oxygen than hot water.

It oxygen more soluble in fresh water or in salt water?

Oxygen is generally more soluble in fresh water compared to salt water. This is because the presence of salts in salt water reduces the solubility of gases like oxygen. Additionally, temperature and pressure also play a role in determining the solubility of oxygen in water.

Would the fast flowing mountain stream take up oxygen most quickly?

Yes, fast-flowing streams can absorb oxygen more quickly due to increased surface agitation and aeration. This oxygenation process helps support aquatic life by providing higher levels of dissolved oxygen essential for fish and other organisms to thrive.

Does sprite contain more oxygen than water?

No, both sprite and water do not contain oxygen as a primary component. The oxygen content in these beverages comes from the dissolved oxygen in water used to make them. However, water has a higher oxygen content since it consists mainly of oxygen and hydrogen atoms, while sprite is a carbonated beverage made with water and other ingredients.

Related questions

Does water that flows quickly have less oxygen than water that is still?

Yes, water that flows quickly typically has less oxygen than still water because fast moving water has less time to make contact with the air, which is where oxygen is absorbed into the water. Additionally, fast flowing water can also disrupt the mixing of oxygen from the surface into the deeper layers of the water column, further reducing oxygen levels.

What does flowing waters have?

Flowing water has kinetic energy associated with that fact that it is moving. It is a fact that moving water is more resistant to freezing than still water.

What bodies of water have more dissolved oxygen?

Bodies of water that are well-oxygenated, usually have higher levels of dissolved oxygen. These include rivers and streams with fast-moving water, as well as colder water bodies like lakes and oceans. Additionally, bodies of water that are heavily influenced by algal blooms or photosynthetic processes tend to have higher dissolved oxygen levels during daylight hours.

Why do fish gills not function in air?

Fish gills are specialized for extracting oxygen from water, which is more dense and contains less oxygen than air. In air, the gills collapse and cannot effectively extract oxygen. Fish need water flowing over their gills to provide the necessary pressure and oxygen concentration for proper respiration.

Is there more oxygen in shallow water then deep water?

No. There is more oxygen in deeper water.

Which is more soluble in water oxygen or carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is more soluble in water than oxygen. Carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid in water, which increases its solubility. Oxygen is less soluble in water but is still able to dissolve to some extent.

What has more oxygen salt water or fresh water?

Fresh water typically contains more oxygen than salt water because it can hold more dissolved oxygen due to its lower salinity. In salt water, the presence of additional dissolved salts decreases the water's capacity to hold oxygen.

How is flowing rock different from flowing water?

Flowing rock goes in a cycle that flows from the heat to the hot core but the water is more resistance and doesn't flow like the rock cycle.

More oxygen sea water than river water?

Oxygen is more soluble in fresh water than it is in sea water, therefore there is more dissolved oxygen in river water than sea water.

Why does the flame get hotter when the air inlet is correctly set?

more oxygen is flowing to the flame, to create fire you need heat, fuel and oxygen.

How does the speed of flowing water affect its ability to erode?

Faster flowing water has more energy, which increases its ability to erode. The kinetic energy of the water particles allows them to pick up and transport sediment more effectively, leading to greater erosion. Conversely, slower flowing water has less erosive power.

More friction between water and streambed will reduce the speed of flowing water.?
