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Oxygen has low viscosity because it is a gas at room temperature. Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow, and gases generally have low viscosity compared to liquids.

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Q: Does oxygen have high or low visocity?
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What type of blood has low oxygen and high carbon dioxide?

Deoxygenated blood is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide.

Which kind of vein carries blood with high oxygen and low carbon dioxide?

The pulmonary veins are high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide. All other veins are high in carbon dioxide and low in oxygen.

Can high flow oxyge be used for low flow oxygen why?

No, high-flow oxygen cannot be used for low-flow oxygen therapy. High-flow oxygen systems deliver oxygen at higher flow rates and are specifically designed for that purpose. Using a high-flow system for low-flow therapy may deliver excessive oxygen levels, leading to potential harm for the patient.

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Oxygen's reactivity is considered high as it readily forms compounds with other elements. Its high reactivity is demonstrated in processes such as combustion, rusting, and respiration.

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What kind of blood does lungs have?

Same blood as everywhere else. The difference is the gases in the blood: it enters the lungs low on oxygen and high in CO2, it leaves high in oxygen and low in CO2.

Does the aorta carry blood that is high in oxygen?

Very high! and low in carbon dioxide

Where does the heart pump blood low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide?

The heart pumps blood low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide to the lungs, where blood releases carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen.

When the parison is placed in the second mold it doesnt yet have the exact shape of a finished bottle is the parisions visocity low or high why?

When the parison is placed in the second mold, its viscosity is low. This allows the parison to be easily shaped and molded into the final bottle shape. As the parison cools and solidifies, its viscosity increases, helping to retain the bottle shape.

Where do Oxygen and Carbon dioxide move from high concentration to low concentration?

Oxygen moves from high concentration in the lungs to low concentration in the blood for delivery to tissues, while carbon dioxide moves from high concentration in the tissues to low concentration in the lungs for removal from the body.

What chamber pumps low oxygen high carbon dioxide blood out of the heart back to the lungs?

The right ventricle pumps blood low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide back to the lungs.