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Slate is primarily a sedimentary rock, originating from very fine clays deposited in deep water - or at least distant from shore. It is only mildly metamorphosed by heat and pressure. Often a good source of fossils.

Obsidian on the other hand is volcanic glass, generally derived from melting and re-freezing of rhyolite lava

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1mo ago

No, obsidian does not change into slate under extreme pressure and heat. Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed from rapidly cooling lava, while slate is a metamorphic rock that forms from the alteration of shale or other sedimentary rocks under high pressure and heat.

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Q: Does obsidian change into slate when under extreme pressure and heat?
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How do you slate?

Slate is formed when clay is squashed under extreme temperature and pressure under the Earth. You can't make it at home!

Does heat and pressure can change into slate?


What does granite change into when put under pressure?

When put under pressure, granite can change into a metamorphic rock called gneiss. Gneiss forms from the re-crystallization of granite under high temperatures and pressures, resulting in a distinctive banded appearance and different mineral composition.

Can heat and pressure change the sedimentary shale into slate?


Can heat and pressure change the sedimentary rock shale into slate?


What are the examples of ingeous rocks?

Obsidian, Granite, and i believe slate

What is another word for obsidian?

Synonyms for obsidian are brunet, charcoal, coal, ebony, pitch, raven, slate, sable, clouded, dusky, and somber. Antonyms for obsidian are white and clean.

What do heat and pressure change shale to?

Heat and pressure change shale into metamorphic rock, specifically slate when exposed to low to moderate levels of heat and pressure, and then further into phyllite, schist, and gneiss as the intensity of heat and pressure increases.

What metamorphic rock does shale and granite turn into?

Shale turns into slate, granite into gneiss.

What is the formation of slate?

when shale is subjected to heat and pressure, it can be metamorphosed into slate.

What causes shale to change into slate?

Shale changes into slate through a process called metamorphism, which involves heat, pressure, and chemical changes. The heat and pressure cause the minerals in the shale to recrystallize into a denser, more compact form, resulting in the fine-grained texture and foliation characteristic of slate. The composition of the original shale, as well as the intensity and duration of the metamorphic conditions, influence the final characteristics of the slate.

How was slate made?

Slate starts as clay. Thhrough erosion and nature, the clay can change to shale or slate. Shale happens when layers upon layers are of clay and sediment are piled together and held in place with something very very heavy. Slate is altered shale that had low heat and not very much pressure put on it. It takes thousands of years for slate to change. Slate can be any color but is mostly found in gray or black. When it is broken, it splits into layers.